Who's the Lucky Bride?

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First step towards Buck’s promised promotion is a meeting with the client herself, Kayla Hendrix. And it’s not like Kyler didn’t want to come. It’s just that something “came up”.

Or, because Buck speaks Kyler: He was having his portrait taken with himself and Gigi.

“Excuse me!” Buck calls to the closest person he sees, as she turns around, phone still to her ear.

“Hello there. You the protein powder rep?” she asks, and Buck quickly replies,

“Actually, no. I’m here to meet Kayla. I’m her wedding planner.”

At that, she gasps, “ You’re Buck?”, then grabs him in a hug. “Ooooh, I love you already.”

Not knowing what to do, Buck freezes, as the girl steps away, giving him the once over,

“Well aren’t you a snack? Hold still. I’ll go grab my boss for you.”

And so he waits for the Ham Heiress herself to arrive. Does she look anything like her mom?

But then, one of the women turns, and upon spotting him, she smiles and waves.

Okay, nevermind. There isn’t a resemblance that’s even close to what Buck was picturing for a Ham Highness’ daughter.

The woman walks over, holding out her hand, “So you’re Buck. Hi.”

Buck takes it, shaking it, “So nice to finally meet you.”

Pleasantries out of the way, Kayla gets right into it, “So tell me. How long have you been K’s assistant?”

Buck replies, “4 years.”

Kayla’s impressed, “Oh really? Well, that is something. I know I couldn’t work with a boss.”

That piques Buck’s curiosity enough to ask, “So what do you do, then?”

Kayla gestures around them, “I run my own photography studio. You wanna talk stress? I got that in spades.”, then laughs.

“Anywho, that’s enough about me. K said he had it on good authority that you were the details guy.”

Buck jokes, “I’ve even been tested for OCD.”

Kayla smiles, “Hey, if you got it, use it. Especially since you’re gonna be working for me, with the wedding in a month.”

Which immediately stops Buck cold. “Did you say a month?”

Kayla nods, “Uh huh. We actually had another planner, but we had...different ideas.”, then walks away to pick something up, carrying it over to him.

“This was the file from our last consultant. It has everything I do and don’t like, down to what headpieces I want the bridesmaids and flower girl to wear.”

The girl from earlier walks up, “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but someone sprained something...”, then points to the shoot.

Kayla immediately exclaims, “Oh my god, I told you that wasn’t going to work!”

Then remembering she was talking to Buck, tells him, “I gotta bounce. If there’s any questions, just call Taylor.”

The girl lifts, her hand, “That’s me!”

Then Kayla waves, as she and Taylor both head over to the shoot, Kayla waving, “Good luck, Buck!”

Buck starts to walk away, heavy file in his arms, right as he hears Kayla shout behind him,

“Why are you all just standing around?! Fix it!”

One highlighter. Two. Now three. Three post it colors, big and small. Three folders, three different fabrics.

Oh, and a glass of water, which Buck sips from before setting it down.

“Let’s do this.” Buck says quietly, before getting to work.

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