Buck Gets the Morning After Treatment, Then Takes the Walk of Shame to Work

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Someone’s cooking in the kitchen.

That’s the first thought Buck has as he wakes up, and when he slowly sits up and looks to see who, he sees Eddie at the stove, with Maddie standing next to her.

In an instant, Buck’s dropping back to the couch, covering his face with his hands.

“Oh my God. What the hell is he still doing here?” Buck whispers to himself, when he hears,

“I think that might be the first time I heard someone try to plan a wedding in their sleep.” He hears Eddie say, to which Maddie laughs.

“Yeah, I know. My brother always puts in 110%.”

Eddie confesses, “Truthfully? I think it’s sweet how much he cares.”

Somehow, Buck manages to stand up, limping over without making it worse, as Maddie addresses him first, “Well hello there, gimp. How’s your ankle?”

“Fine.” Buck says quickly, then demands, “And what the hell is wrong with my kitchen?”

Eddie turns, pointing the spatula at Maddie, “Your sister guilted me into making breakfast.”

Maddie tells him, “You gotta try the waffles. They’re better than anything we’ve ever had.”

Eddie waves him back, “You, sit. I’m cooking.”, then walks over and gently nudges him to the table.

Maddie, meanwhile, grabs something and waves goodbye, “Well, sorry to dine and dash, but I gotta go. Can’t be late.”, but not before she gives Buck a thumbs up as she walks out.

Once she’s gone, Eddie turns to him, “So how are you?”

Buck doesn’t bother hiding it, “Completely confused.”, his tone making it clear what he means.

Eddie, thankfully, picks up on it and replies, “Well, I wasn’t going to leave you by yourself last night. You were high as a kite.”

Buck asks, “And Maddie?”

Eddie has an answer for that too, “Took the early morning shift for some extra money.”, then as he puts some stuff on a plate, he notes, “Can I be honest? I can’t believe you two are brother and sister.”

Buck gives a halfhearted chuckle as he straightens out the stuff in front of him, “You don’t half of it.”

Eddie walks back over with a glass of juice, setting it in front of him, “Fresh squeezed, no pulp. I made sure.”

But the only reply he gets is Buck to throw a napkin on the table, informing him, “Okay, that’s it. You’re officially crossing the line.”

He doesn’t see the confused look on Eddie’s face as he goes on, “I appreciate the help. But making orange juice for me, staying the night?” Here, Eddie’s face turns into one of amusement, as he lets him finish, “Please don’t go thinking this is something that it’s not, okay?”

Eddie attempts to interpret that, “You mean to tell me you have a moral code that says you can’t date clients?”

Buck can’t believe how unbothered he sounds by it, “Of course I do!”

Eddie throws up his hands, “Fine. Have it your way.”, walking back to the kitchen. “As of now, I’m not a part of the wedding.”

Oh hell to the no. “You can’t be serious.” Buck snaps, picking up a plate, “And this plate needs to soak.”, and as he limps towards the kitchen, he adds, “And you completely wretched my kitchen!”

Eddie rushes over immediately, wrapping an arm around him and grabbing the plate, “Hey, stop. I’d really rather you didn’t hurt yourself again, okay?”

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