If Buck is Cinderella, Must His Prince Charming Be So...Charming?

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After a disgusting day with Kayla, Buck’s managed to cheer himself up with the promise of a surprise Maddie had hinted at.

Which lasts about all of 5 seconds once he realizes why.

“You had me rent a tux for a fireman’s ball ???”

Maddie chides him, with Chim hanging on her other arm, “Would you have come if I told you?”

Buck sighs exasperatedly, “Of course not! Eddie’s engaged!”

Maddie rolls her eyes, “So, if he’s anything like the firefighters Chim has to work with, there’s got to be more just like him, right?”

They keep walking, Buck trying to dissuade Maddie, “I don’t want to see him, okay?”

But Maddie’s not about to let her brother back out now, “And you won’t! With everyone here, you won’t even notice him!”

“What a coincidence!”



Buck takes a long gulp of wine from his glass, watching as Eddie, the guy who is sitting next to him and decidedly NOT unnoticable, recognizes Maddie, because he apparently works with Chim on the 118, and gives her a hug before sitting back down, then turning to Buck.

“So did you bring a date?”

Buck carefully sits his glass down, then gives Eddie a look of strained patience as he says,

“No I did not.”

Eddie doesn’t appear to catch on, just nods, “Me neither.”, then points out, “I love the flower on your tux. A tulip. It’s nice.”

Okay, so he’s being nice, and Buck knows he should be nice back, so he smiles, then replies, “Thanks. I don’t typically think about flowers too much outside of work, but I’ve always liked tulips.”

Eddie replies back, intrigued, “Duly noted.”

"Young man, tell me something. How do you know Edmumdo here?" the woman on Buck’s other side asks, making him turn around.

Buck turns to her, "Oh, uh, at a wedding."

Eddie adds, "Buck here is a wedding planner."

Which prompts her to ask, “And what exactly does that mean?”

At that, Buck tries to wave it off, “Oh, god. I don’t think you wanna hear all the boring details of all that.”

Eddie pipes up, “Oh trust me, you won’t. Tell them about Mr. Petrizelli.”

Buck lifts his eyebrows, “The Spiderman wannabe?”, to which Eddie nods, then starts for him,

“Groom thought his wedding day was the perfect day to go bungee jumping off the roof of the church.”Buck laughs, despite himself, “And the bride wholeheartedly disagreed.”

Eddie reminds him, “She slapped him. Hard.”, and Buck agrees, “She threatened to call the whole wedding off. Until I told her she’d have to give every wedding gift back.”

The two laugh at that, but the woman’s response is only to note, “That sounds exhausting.”

Buck scoffs, “Oh come on. Compared to risking your lives to save everyone else’s? What do I have to complain about?”

But Eddie doesn’t appear to agree, “Well, if you didn’t put in the work to make those days special, there wouldn’t be anything worth saving, would there?”

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