How is Buck, a Wedding Planner, So Consistently Wrong About Love?

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When Buck comes into work the following morning, whatever excitement he’d felt over both yelling at Kayla and finally divorcing Taylor has abruptly left him.

K’s back at work with him, and Buck is fully prepared to be fired.

Sure enough, first thing Buck hears when he steps through the front door is, “Evan! My office, now!”

Buck freezes, then slowly makes his way towards Kyler, where he’s standing by a chair, decidedly not happy.

Made worse when Kyler demands, “How could you let this happen while I left you in charge?”

Buck’s already making excuses, “K, please. Let me explain.”

Kyler wails, “My couch is ruined!”, as he takes a paper towel, trying to wipe it down.

Buck freezes again, confused, “Wait, you’re upset about the couch? Not Kayla?”

Kyler snaps, “I’m sorry, is Kayla not potty trained?”

Buck stammers, “N-no! Of course she is!”, quickly composes himself, and fires off an excuse, “Gigi just decided to mark her territory when you left. Cats do that when their environment changes.”, shrugging. “Must've missed you something bad.”

Kyler perks up at that, “Aw, of course you did.”, and holds out his hands, coaxing, “C’mere, baby girl.”

The cat, however, has other ideas, growling as she hisses to make him back away.

At the discouraged look, Buck takes matters into his own hands, picking up the cat and encouraging,”Gigi, go see your daddy.”, and bringing her over to Kyler as the cat tries to bite him.

Buck lies, “She’s just letting you know she’s mad.”, handing the cat over.

Kyler pets Gigi for a few moments, then starts to walk away, moving to the previous topic, “What was that about Kayla again?”

Buck follows, treading lightly, “I was just wondering if she talked to you recently.”

Kyler shakes his head, “She didn’t, but her father did, and told me to commend you on how well you handled the latest debacle.”

That doesn’t sound right, “He did?”

Kyler adds, scratching his cat’s ears, “Also something about moving up the wedding to this weekend?”

Oh she did not. Buck asks, completely astonished, “You mean it’s still happening? After everything?”

Kyler puts Gigi back in her cat bed, not sure what Buck’s problem is, “Why wouldn’t it be?”

That’s not enough reason for Buck to stick with it, and says as much, “K, I don’t know if I can do that.”

Kyler ignores this, handing him a stack of save-the-dates, “Shush. I don’t wanna hear it. You’re gonna need to overnight them.”

Buck tries to tread even more lightly, knowing he really shouldn’t be pressing his luck,

“So I still have a job?”

Kyler looks at him like Buck’s speaking gibberish, “Evan, what part of ‘If you do it, you’ll be promoted’ did you not understand?”, then turns away from him, clutching his head, “Ugh, stupid migranes.”

Buck knows he should be more excited about pulling off a genuine miracle by having Kayla’s wedding ready in two days, but the entire time, the only thing he could think about was Eddie.

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