Buck Ties Up His Loose Ends

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With Corey’s newly renewed faith by Buck’s side, now he feels like he can think about his next step without having a panic attack.

He can’t even try to deny it: he misses his job. Not working for Kyler, oh God no. But just being a wedding planner, and knowing no matter how hard it gets, it never fails to leave a smile on his face at the end of the day.

And as he wanders through the Santa Monica pier, he recalls another wedding rule that has yet to fail him.

Rule number 9 - Even when a wedding is doing nothing but failing, it never fails to have that one moment of goodwill and well wishes, and knowing he, the wedding planner, was the one responsible of putting together that perfect moment, however fleeting it turns out to be, is how he knows he’s found the thing he was put on this planet to do.

As Buck pays for a bag of kettle corn, it suddenly dawns on him what he should’ve known all along.

Watching them happen is nice, but more than that, he wants to go make some of his own.

With a new pep in his step, he runs off the pier and back to his car, one destination in mind.

Byuck knocks on Eddie’s front door rapidly, calling out, “Eddie? I need to talk to you!”

But instead of Eddie, Buck gets a very sullen Diaz sister, snapping, “Well well well. If it isn’t Mr. Wedding Crasher.”

Buck, exasperated, knows he needs to play nice if he’s going to get anywhere, so just takes a deep breath, and says, “Sophie, I’m sorry, okay? I really didn’t want things to go down like they did.”

Sophie crosses her arms, “And I didn’t want to be the one stuck waiting at home while Adriana racks up my credit card bill while she goes on my honeymoon with my ex.”

Buck tries to go for honesty, “Hey, at least you found out now, not after you got married.”, and when she smiles, he takes that as a good sign, and adds, “Believe me, that would’ve hurt so much more further down the line.”

But despite the smile, she’s still clearly not in the mood to be nice, as she demands, “What the hell do you want?”

Buck hopes he’s at least made enough of a dent to ask, “You know where Eddie is?”

And it’s looking like he did, because she says, “Not here. He’s on duty. Think he might’ve been putting out a fire downtown, from what I saw on the news. Might be tied up for a bit with that.”

Buck presses his luck, asking, “I can’t wait that long. Soph, I gotta talk to him.”

Sophie mulls that over, then pulls out her phone, dialing a number, “Follow me.”, and leading Buck towards her car, conversing with someone for a few moments before hanging up, and walking to the passenger door.

Buck complies, but when he sees her opening the door, he has to ask, “Wait, what?”

Sophie rolls her eyes at him, explaining quickly, “If it’s an emergency, no use waiting, right? I’ll give you a ride.”

Buck laughs, and as he goes to sit in the passenger seat, he tells her, “Eddie was right after all.”

Sophie cocks her head, curious, “Right about what?”

Buck reaches for the door, “You. Maybe you’re not so bad after all.”, and they both grab a hand to slam it shut.

They quickly go as fast as they can through traffic without breaking the law, and as they get closer, the worse it gets, to where Sophie even has to honk so other cars will get out of the way.

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