Eddie Gives Buck the Rock, and Buck Walks into A Hard Place

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Buck’s the first to wake up, and he won’t lie; having Eddie be the first thing he sees when he wakes up in the morning has way more appeal than waking up alone.

But out of habit, he checks his phone, and upon seeing what time it is, he sighs, knowing he can’t afford to stay longer than he already has.

Resigned, he slowly lifts the covers, and quietly stands up, only managing to grab his shirt when Eddie wakes up, and upon seeing Buck trying to escape, he says,

“Not so fast, Evan. I’m putting you on bedrest. Medic’s orders.”

Buck doesn’t comply, instead keeps moving to pull the rest of his clothes back on, explaining, “I’m so late for work it’s not even funny.”

But of course, that’s not enough for Eddie, as he grabs Buck’s arm, “I’ll write you a convincing doctor’s note. ” and pulls him back on the bed.

“Don’t make me bed. Clothes are the current bane of my existence.” Eddie says, throwing the clothes Buck had just folded on the floor.

Buck winces, “I’m just gonna...pick that up real quick. I just got that dry cleaned.”

Eddie won’t hear of it, “The lovely Casa de Diaz, is a strictly baggage free zone.”

Buck rolls his eyes, “And clothing optional, apparently.”

That makes them both chuckle, before Eddie asks, “That gonna be a problem?”

Buck pretends to think it over, “Oh, I suppose I could be persuaded.”, then leans in for a quick kiss.

Oh sweet Jesus, please never let that get old.

When they pull away, Eddie offers, “If you want, I got something that might be able to help you out.”, then turns away to reach for something.

“I was gonna give this to you last night, but it slipped my mind.”

When he sits back up again, he’s holding a small box.

Intrigued, Buck takes it, lifts off the lid, and pulls away the cotton.

It’s...not what he was expecting. At all.

 At all

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“A...rock?” Buck’s not sure what to make of this, but if Eddie picked it out, there’s gotta be some explanation. “Funny, in all my years of wedding planning, when the brides talk about how they got the rock, not once did I think they meant an actual rock.”

Eddie wags his finger, “Not so fast.”, then takes it back, stands up, and gestures for Buck to follow.

Buck does, if only out of mild curiosity of what Eddie’s going to do.

Which is why he’s completely unprepared when Eddie picks up a previously discarded sock and drops the rock in it, picks up a hammer of all things, and gets ready to swing it down.

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