Why Do All of Buck's Bad Days Happen on the Santa Monica Pier?

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“Okay, when you said really good, I had no idea you were gonna have me work for it.” Buck quips, as they walk along the bridge.

Eddie laughs, “Oh quit your whining. We’re nearly there.”, then stops suddenly, looking at the view from the bridge.

Buck can’t lie, the views are something else, rivaled only by the crazy design of the bridge itself. “Wow.”

“I love coming here

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“I love coming here. I come all the time just to get away from it all, you know?”

Buck notes, with a laugh, “My idea of getting away from it all is heading to the gym.”

Eddie appears intrigued, “Interesting. So what does Buck do for fun?”

Buck shrugs as he walks alongside Eddie across the bridge, “Keeping my apartment clean is something.”

Eddie laughs again, but doesn’t comment.

Somehow they end up walking further downtown, with Eddie talking and Buck taking in the view.

“Where are we going again?” Buck asks.

“Just wait and see. You gotta relax. I’m not a murderer running a con as a firefighter.”

Buck laughs, despite himself, “Which is exactly the thing a murderer running a con as a firefighter would say.”

But before either of them can say anything else, a phone starts going off.

Immediately, Buck stops smiling, looking away.

But Eddie doesn’t seem to take the hint, as he prompts, “Your phone’s trying to get your attention.”

Buck rolls his eyes, “I’m a neat freak, not deaf.”

Eddie teases, “You know, the LAPD takes disturbing the peace very seriously.”

With an exasperated sigh, he reaches into his pocket, “It’s not my phone. It’s my voicemail.”

Then he takes it out, holding it up to his ear.

“Hey, Buck. Someone named Jake appeared at the reception looking for you.”

Oh shit. He knew he’d forgotten something. Quickly, he redials the number, and once someone picks up, he says quickly,

“Hey, it’s me. Just tell him to have some hors d'oeuvres, or some cake, and I’ll call him once I get the chance.” a beat, then, “Okay, bye.”

Once Buck hangs up, Eddie notes, “Never a moment to breathe, huh?”

Buck shakes his head, “Not one. And I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Eddie takes a few more steps, then stops, looking to his left. “We’re here.”

Buck follows his gaze, and immediately understands why Eddie brought him here.

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