Just the Way They Look Tonight

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Not even a second after Buck sneaks out of his office, he’s stopped by a woman standing in the lobby.

“Oh, hey! Buck, right?”

Buck has no time for this, and says as politely as he can, “Uh, yeah?”

The woman approaches him, “Look, I just wanted to apologize about the other night.”

After a second, Buck manages to place her: Eddie’s sister, Sophie.

“Oh, pfft.”  Buck waves her off hurriedly. “Don’t even sweat it.” he adds, then tries to excuse himself as he walks away, “Unfortunately I don’t have time to chat. I have a client waiting on me.”

Sophie nods, “Right, Kayla told me about you wanting to talk to both of us about the guest list.”

That makes Buck pause for a second, confused as he asks, “I thought that was supposed to be between the two people getting married.”

Sophie looks just as confused as she nods, “It is.”

Buck asks hesitantly, apparently still not firing on all cylinders, “So isn’t Eddie supposed to be showing up soon?”

Sophie denies, “Not unless you called him here yourself.”

And right as she says that, Kayla comes out, all smiles as she calls out, “Soph! Hi!”, then walks right up to the other woman, grabs her in an embrace, and kisses her, hard.

Buck, to his credit, says absolutely nothing as he smiles awkwardly, lets them finish, then says even more stupidly, “So what about the other party?”

Sophie holds up a hand, “Present and accounted for.”

And finally, the whole world breathes a sigh of relief as Buck’s mouth drops open, eyes wide as Kayla explains.

“Soph is Sophie, the other bride.”

But it’s looking like Buck still needs some help, asking, “That’s weird, I thought...isn’t Eddie, uh...”

Sophie finishes for him, “The best man.”

This time, when Buck’s mouth drops open, it’s in complete and utter relief, coupled with his eyes lighting up in a way they haven’t since the first time he met Eddie.

“Yes he is!” Buck laughs, unable to stop, even as the two brides share a confused look before he steers them back on track,

“Now whaddaya say we fix your guest list?”

Rule number 7-- Murphy’s law goes both ways. Anything that can be, will be. If it can go wrong, it can also go right.

Eddie was never engaged. Buck has nothing to feel confused or guilty over, and all he has to do is take the path that Eddie paved for them.

And Buck’s going to do that right this second, as he walks into the 118 firehouse, out of his wedding planner attire, right when a bell goes off somewhere.

A flood of kids comes bounding around the firetruck, and who should be chasing after them than Eddie himself, as the other kids climb on the truck, while Eddie turns, sees Buck, and starts clapping.

Buck claps for a moment or two, then calls out, “Hey there!”

Eddie waves for the rest of the team to help as he orders, “Alright, everybody off.”, then walks over to Buck.

“Just a drill. Not a real call.”

Buck jokes, “I think your new recruits are just a tad too young anyway.”

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