Buck Airs Out His Doubts, Gets Hit With an Anvil, and (Allegedly) Gets a Grip

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Of course, Buck called Maddie, begging her to come out to the bar with him, claiming it was an emergency.

Whoever coined the term happy hour was talking out their ass.

“It’s not just me thinking it adds up too well, is it?” Buck asks Maddie, needing someone to hear him out. “Just my luck. First person after Taylor I let get close to me, and what do I get? This. I’m clearly the biggest moron on the planet.”

“Hey, no. No, you’re not.” Maddie says instantly, which Buck seems to take to heart, because he admits,

“But, let’s give Eddie some credit here. According to Mr. Hendrix, he only saw the back of the person’s head.”

Maddie reminds him, “He also said it was the one Kayla used to date. How many Diaz’s has she dated?”

Buck replies nervously, “Two, counting Sophie? Maybe?”

Maddie tries to help him calm down, “Look, I’m not saying definitively he did anything, okay? I just don’t want you committing to another Taylor.”

Buck snorts, “No issue there. Eddie’s as far from Taylor as they come.”, then backpedals, with an exasperated sigh, “Or is he? He said he’s not like the rest of his family, but what do I really know? Not enough to be able to say for sure it wasn’t him.”

Maddie tries from a different angle, “And where’s Eddie in all of this? Did you talk to him?”

Which only makes Buck sigh again, “No, I didn’t. I’m avoiding his calls again.”

Maddie calls him out, “Without listening to his side of the story? Or letting him explain?”

Buck shakes his head, “Not this time. I’m sick of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. For once, can’t the guy who looks like a cheater turn out to actually be the cheater?”

And Buck’s tone must’ve made it clear he’s not listening anymore, because Maddie doesn’t say another word, just sips her drink in silence next to him.

The next day, Buck’s putting together a wedding table setting when he hears someone call out behind him.

The next day, Buck’s putting together a wedding table setting when he hears someone call out behind him

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“Hello? Anyone home?”

Buck doesn’t even look up as he calls, “In here!”, and only turns around when he hears Kayla say,

“Hey, Buck.”

Honestly, Buck’s at a complete loss on how he’s supposed to behave here, so he tries to be polite, to get a feel for her mood, “Oh, hey, Kayla. I was just putting together your bridal reception table. How’s it look?”

Kayla flips a hand absently, “Fine, it’s fine.”, and sits down in an empty chair.

Buck tries to stay professional, “Okay, if you’re not feeling it, we can always--”

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