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"The theory that patience is a key component to any mission is true, but its not only patience a true spy needs. They need discipline, whit, charm, blah, blah, blah. This class WOULD be interesting if I don't already know all of this. I bury my head deeper into Outliers while doing a routine scan of the class. Chip Schacter is picking his nose and staring out the window, lost in whatever thoughts he holds in that teeny brain. Jawa O'shea is sitting ramrod straight and taking notes with his amazingly precise handwriting. Jessi is doodling, David is snoring, and of course I am...definitely thinking about what Ben could be doing right now. I sigh louder and tip my head onto the back of my chair. Ever since this semester started, I've been 'tutoring' Ben, as well as getting closer to him. The more time I spend with him, the more he surprises me. Especially because he isn't half bad as he was at physical combat as he was when he started off. Speaking of which...I flip through my planner and land on a date circled in a lovely purple. Ben's birthday. Summer is coming up, and for some reason this day is always lingering in the back of my mind. I can't believe he's turning 15...just the age I was when I met him. I catch my face slowly turning into a grin, and quickly stop it. Gotta stay nonchalant, I think to myself. Especially around the group. The group that Ben, Zoe, Jawa, Chip, Mike and I established. They were becoming better spies by the day, and keeping my poker face around them, around him was beginning to become a challenge. And yet I loved doing it at the same time. I think I'm going crazy ...

AHH, if you are reading this ILY thank you so much! I definitely will be doing more of these, you can add scenarios that you want for Berica in the comments!! This is so fun for me, but it's still my first Wattpad thing, so bear with me! : D

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now