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"And that concludes the test," Professor Greenwold says. I flip over the written section of the test on my desk, so that I don't see my (hopefully correct) answers. The teacher's pet comes around to pick up all the tests and they give me a slight smile as if to sympathize with all the difficult questions. The class watches the stack of tests pile up to on top of Professor Greenwold's desk. She looks up at us with a raised eyebrow. "Well? Why are you all still here? Dismissed," We all trudge towards the heavy wooden door and go spilling out into the hallway. Before I have even registered my settings, I'm yanked out into another doorway. I nearly topple over if the weight of my backpack hadn't saved me. I look around to realise that I'm somewhere outside the main doorway. And I'm pretty sure it's Erica's hand that has slipped into mine. And then we're running. Where? Don't know, but I feel my legs move in rhythm with Erica's anyways. When we finally stop running, Erica has stopped panting, and I find myself only slightly winded. Improvement, I think to myself. I turn to where the sun is shining, and I catch my breath. The view is stunning, the mountain range far in the background, and the green grass around us flowing with the light breeze. I turn around to face Erica and I see her smile broadly, the first genuine smile I'd seen since Alexander apologized on the plane from Mexico to London. That's when I notice a picnic blanket and a bottle of sparkling water. Alongside a thick roll of bandages. 

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now