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"Of course the next clue would include trekking through hot and sludgy mud," I mumble as Ben points towards the last stretch of the obstacle course. "I think that's the note,"

I push forward and retrieve it as Ben breathes over my shoulder. This boy, I swear- 

I hate this class 

I can just hear Trixie's monotone voice through the note. I tap the note and say, "I think she means indoor PE. She's way too good at all the other classes to really hate them. Then again you can still hate things you excel at, right?" 

"No, no you're right, she tried to cancel that class because a nun-chuck made her pass out," He sends our location to Mike and Erica, and trudges out of the mud. I follow behind him non-committedly, glad that we had taken out our assassins before we got back on campus. They were super annoying. Now to schlep through halls in our muddy clothing. What fun.

"This is it," Ben whispers. I hand him a dart gun and check Mike and Erica's location one more time. They finally arrived on campus. In fact, I think I can hear them. I turn towards the sound of footsteps and the smell of...fries? 

"Oh for the love of all things HOLY," I nearly shout. Erica smirks a little, and holds out the bag of McDonalds. 

"We saved some for you."

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now