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I've been getting weird stares all day, but isn't it crazy how the memory of a picnic--me at a picnic-- makes me smile? I brush of all the stares (as I have been doing for a good three years now) on my way to class. Who knew Ben was such a lovable punching bag. I mean that in a good way of course. At least he knows the basic of defense, which is what he really needs. I myself am still working around Ashley Spark's fighting technique. It was fortunate that I got a lot of hands on experience through her, because now I have something to study up on that I don't already know. *cough* finally,*cough

The day goes by normally and I finish my assignments ahead of time. I'll be honest, I don't have a plot here. So I open my most recent texts from Trixie. After the whole Croatoan shebang, Trixie caught on about our entire family line being...well spies. She insisted that she would keep it a secret, so long as she could attend spy school with us. I remember her telling me about how she was spying on Ben and Mike. She had raised her eyebrows and smirked when she said Ben. 

Her most recent text says good morning in with three exclamation marks. Way too much, but I double tap it to add a heart to the message anyway. 

"That's what you love about me!" She whispers from behind my shoulder. I laugh and push her away. "I heard your breathing from behind that couch a mile away. You're just lucky that you had caught me going through our texts, because if it was anything else I would've backhanded you across the planet," I pull her in for a hug, inhaling her cinnamon scent. You don't know how glad I am just to see you okay... 

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now