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Ben's eyes immediately land on the roll of bandages I pack alongside the bento boxes. I smirk and say, 

"Do you think I'm going to beat you to pulp then wrap you up," he shakes his head and sits down silently. I'm not one to talk, but being the wonderful person I am, I ask him what's up. He eyes me. 

"you already know what's bugging me, so why are you asking," he says, a little snappily. I shrug, and open up one of the bento boxes, and hand it to Ben. He sullenly bites into some sushi. "Thish ish actually really good," he says around a full bite of sushi. 

I pick up my own box while and say, "so, are you stressed out about the test?" he nods while forking a piece of strawberry and shoving it into his mouth.  I nod with him. "If you don't think about it too deeply you'll be fine," he shakes his head again and says, "How am I not going to think about it? This is takes up 25% of this semester's grade. And you already know I'm barely scraping by in that damned class," 

This is the third time I've heard Ben curse. It's actually a rare occasion for him, he doesn't really have a sharp tongue. I reach out and grab both his hands with mine. I pull him off the blanket and say 

"This will definitely help you destress," and I tug him closer.

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now