One Week (Ben)

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Locate and transport your fifth partner (who is being held in custody), all the while shaking off your assassins. 

Work together to solve three clues, written by said fifth partner.


Had it not been for my eavesdropping,

I wouldn't be here today. 

Where did you enjoy those cookies?

Tranquilizer darts and gun, check. Assignment requirements, check. Communication equipment, check. Non-suspicious hat, check. Binoculars, check.  "You're good to go," Erica says over the facetime, "I'll meet you there in ten. Bring Mike with you," I shoot her a cringey thumbs up, which makes her hang up immediately. I chuckle a little and slide my phone into my joggers. I take my windbreaker from where it hangs on my desk chair, and slide into it. I turn back to the spy bag I just packed and sling it over my shoulder. With that, I triple lock my door, and set off to find Mike. 

"You're clear, remember to take an unfocused path, I think somebody is tailing us. I'm going to lead them away from the first clue," Erica speaks through her mic. I see her break away from Mike and dash into a random alley. She was right, an 'enemy' is after her. I zone back onto Mike, who's still making a nonchalant route towards the embassy. I turn on my mic, "What's your eta Mike?"

"Uhh two minutes? Why are you asking me like I'm siri, the fuc-"

"SHH!" shouts Zoe from her line. I glance behind me, where she is kneeling across the room from me. I shrug, and put my binoculars back into the spy bag, and whisper-shout to Zoe. "We're good to go, Mike just shared the clues over phone," I show her the next set of clues. She sighs heavily. "Looks like we're going back to campus,"

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