Mike's Phone

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Group Chat: You (Mike), Ben, Chip, Jawa

You: I'm here to officially congratulate Ben on passing his hand to hand to combat end-of-the-semester test. 

Ben: I didn't pass, I passed. I can't believe I actually got more than a B. 

Jawa: I caN'T bEliEVe i GoT mOrE thAn a B

Chip: tell me you're salty about your grade without actually telling me you're salty about your grade

Ben: I thought we agreed to not be upset over grades Jawa

Jawa: neh neh 

Chip: are we gonna ignore the fact that Erica and Zoe are literally fighting over a weasley shrimp like Ben?

Ben: weasley? fighting over me 😶

Jawa: And here is his dumb (and oblivious) ass getting higher grades than me...

You: Jawa! You literally took that test two years ago chill out. and who tf  knows a test grade from two years ago..

Jawa: Ion wanna talk about it 

Jawa O'shea has gone offline

You: once again congrats on being a renowned casanova 😀

Ben: Mike...!!

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