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"Nightfall motherfuckers," I shout into the starry night. The day at the beach got me energized in some type of way. The bright lights of the 7-11 we stopped at after we ditched the bus blind me. I text Jawa to hurry up, and I lean against the brick wall and tap my foot. He comes out a second later with three bags of groceries, and we book it across the street back to campus. I climb the gate and Jawa throws one bag over. I snatch it from the air. "Are you dumb or what? You could literally just pass it through the bars," I roll my eyes. For somebody so book-smart he could be hella dumb at times. He nods sheepishly and passes it through. I peek inside. Doritos, energy drinks, a basket, and a photo album. Perfect

We dash across the campus into our dorm. What Erica said about the shoddy bus system was right. All we had to do was say hi to Ms. Lola, and then filter through the crowd that was coming  in the bus. I dump the treasures we got out onto my bed. Jawa texts Chip that we are ready to go, and he comes into room as quietly as he could. Which was not very quiet. 

"Alrightt. We got the basket, the album, and snacks. You finished the card right?" I turn to Chip. he holds up a navy blue card that he had spent all day decorating. We had all agreed that he had the craftiest hands, and his handwriting was surprisingly perfect for these types of things. Jawa sets up the basket, arranging everything to be nestled upon some wrapping tissue. I fill in the album slot with all the pictures Zoe had taken from the beginning of this year. I'm able to fill it halfway through, leaving the back with more space. I slide the album in next to everything else in the basket. We're good to go. We are stepping into the hall with everything just as Zoe turns the corner. "Did you get everything I photographed?" she whispers. I nod a yes, and then reach into my wallet--err fanny pack. I take out my most recently earned gift card (Bet on Erica's social activity on the beach) and put it into the folds of the card that Chip made. Zoe checks the time. 7:30 P.M. We all head down the hallway and up the stairs. Chip opens up the playlist we all prepared. 

Zoe does a rhythmic knock on his door, and Chip presses play. Jawa picks the lock, and kicks the door open.

"Happy birthday to yaaa! Happy birthday to youu, you bum," I half sing along to the birthday song Chip chose. Zoe dashes in with a small platter of brownies, and Jawa shoves the basket and everything to a surprised Ben who had been sitting at his desk working on his homework

How studious. 🙄

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