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Another Monday, and yet another lesson on weapons in the battle field. With the multiple missions I've been on, I am 100% positive I know the difference between a submachine gun and your standard rifle. Not that I had seen many rifles, but with my time at Spy Camp, I believe I have that subject down. The thought of Spy Camp sends me spiralling down memory lane and I begin to think of all of my successful missions. Around this time last year I was wondering why Alexander Hale was parachuting into the middle of the camp's mess hall. And now look at me! Going to class, getting A's...err B's and hanging out with Erica. Erica, the cold as ice spy I had met at the beginning of year one. And now she was tutoring me. Personally. I try not to think too much into it. Erica and I...we had an interesting relationship. Ever since Croatoan she wasn't as closed off as before. Maybe because her little sister, Trixie is in the mix. Seeing the open side of her was like seeing a unicorn. I know that Erica isn't looking for a relationship right now, so I always check myself around her, so as to not pressure her. I still hang out with Zoe and all, but not out of jealousy. I'm not sure what Zoe actually sees me as, but for now things have been the same old. I look around the class for her out of habit and there she is, to the right of me taking notes. She catches my eye and grins. She has cupcake frosting on her cheek from lunch. I bought her an early birthday cupcake just in case if we go on a mission during that week. Her smile is infectious and I smile too. She gives me a stern look and points at the board. 

"Pay attention," she whispers.

I sigh and look back at the board and copy down my notes. I flip to find a clean page and I find doodles. I don't recall doodling and class and I see that its... Erica's? I smile and peer closer at the page. Even now, I can smell her gunpowder and lilacs scent. Looks like she was doodling cats. I grin and tuck the page into my pocket for later

Woo! Finished! Tell me what you guys think~ 

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now