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"Well, you certainly didn't look ready," I chuckle and look Ben up and down. "Who exactly won?"

Ben then launches animatedly about his 'non-date' with Erica. "We wrapped our hands like professionals, and then she just swung at me! I did more defense than offense, but I had more fun than I ever would have in class," I nod along with him, thinking of how my last bet was a success. Yesterday, Ben and Erica had returned from where ever they went drenched with sweat, but full of smiles. I know that Zoe saw this all go down too, because she was standing right beside me. Well ain't that I sight for sore eyes, I smirked inside my head. On the outside I had to keep up the 'I definitely didn't see this coming, and I feel bad for Zoe' look. Being the awesome person I am, I pulled her away so we could go get some frozen yogurt together. She looked a little beat, but since I'm such great company, by the time we left she was at least smiling. I remember that I'm supposed to be having a conversation so I refocus onto Ben's retelling. I believe he said something about...strawberries? Anyways. "And then when we finally walked back, she said, hey, you did good! She said I did good! SHE SAID-" 

"Annnndd that's enough conversation for one night," I say as I push him out the door. "There's always tomorrow to melt under Erica's very insightful and rather demeaning words," I pat his back one more time before I close the door shut. 

Dumbass is not only going to walk into Erica's demeaning words tomorrow, but a ton of drama as well. All's well in a day of love and spies. Actually it's more like, All's well in a day crushes and classes. Yeahh crushes and classes. 

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now