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I open my phone to the school-wide announcement and groan. I was already in my t-shirt and trunks and my bag was almost packed. I throw my stuff back onto my bed and lie down, facing the ceiling. The soft chime of a notification gets me moving towards where my phone is shut off at the edge of the bed. I press it on, checking the time, even though I already know it. 5:57. Right now I would be enjoying the sun and playing volleyball. But noo, I sigh as I open my most recent notification-

I'm at your door :)

I jolt upright just as Zoe pushes open my door. I quickly once-over my room. Good thing I cleaned it while waiting for the school bus. She pushes me over on my bed and rolls down onto it beside me. We lie in silence for a few minutes, and then Zoe sits upright. 

"I was wearing my fucking sunscreen too," I glance at her and the silence is loud. Her nose is coated in SPF-15. Then we both burst out laughing. Zoe rolls off the bed hysterically and I cackle and point at her, which makes us laugh louder. I smile and move over to where she collapsed. I hold out my hand so she can get up. She grabs it and chuckles slightly one more time. "At least something made me smile today," she says wearily. I nod, "anytime,"

"Really?" she asks, and she leans forward, closing the gap between our lips. Now usually I would have noticed my close proximity to a girl, but this was unexpected. I grab her other hand and tug us apart. 
"Zoe, what the fuck is going on,"

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now