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"Get this, I just got a ten dollar gift card from Gen, my now promoted best friend," Mike says, as he kisses the card and then tucks it into his wallet. Well, not really a wallet, more like a fanny pack. After lunch, Mike, Jawa, and I usually meet up on the green to take walks, rant or anything really. 

"Wait why did you get a gift card? Did you bet on something stupid again?" I ask

He coughs and shoves his hand into his pocket. "Of course nooot, I would never," I roll my eyes. He definitely did, I think to myself. Mike bets on random things of any sort, and he usually wins. Usually he's always gloating about how he was right, but for some reason he doesn't say much about what exactly the bet was. I just know it has something to do with Ben though. Hell, I even saw him whispering with Trixie, probably plotting another bet. Its kinda an entertainment for the school. Once the novelty of 'I'm training to be a spy ' wears off, it's just boring around here. And did I just see Erica just turn a corner with a...picnic basket? I shake my head. What is going ON around this place?? That's when I hear loud stomping behind us. We all turn to see Chip running toward us. 
"Guys, you won't believe what I just saw," he huffs between sentences, "I think professor Greenwold is insane! She failed three kids for that hella important combat test, and rumor has it that only one person passed. Also Erica is taking Ben out on a date," 

Now, we all know Chip isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but at the least he is a somewhat reliable source. You can't be dumb and unreliable right? Wait a minute, did he just say date?

I hate it here. 

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now