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I scan the lunch room for our table and my eyes instead land on the Ice Queen herself. She doesn't smile but she doesn't look exactly menacing either. She sits beside me, her infuriatingly cute space buns and all. She and Ben have matching salads which is couple goals. I then get pissed at myself for considering them as a couple.  I bite into my own sandwich while Mike starts off a conversation. I don't pay much attention, my mind already wandering to the other day. I was running the PE course with Trixie, she was mostly talking about how cool it was that we have a rotating PE regime. For the most part I was focused on not slipping through the mud patch, while she was nearly gliding through the mud. Looks like the spy gene runs through the family, I had thought. And then when she saw Ben sliding through the mud with a great posture and stance, she said, and I quote: 

"Damn, those lessons with Erica must've toughened him up. Yet his heart seems less tough around her, soft even," 

I may have said some choice words under my breath. And that brings me to where I am now, sitting beside this girl. I can't even glare at her properly, because I know what she's capable of. I bite into my sandwich, and bite my tongue in the process. I let out a startled gasp, and see her smile my way.

And then she bumps her shoulder against mine. Joy.

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now