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"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up," scream my teammates from behind the lines. I push harder, and hear panting coming from behind me. Its Chip, and he's gaining on me. I do something a little risky, and turn around to shoot him with my paint gun. In my imagination I clocked him right in the stomach, making him fall over backwards. In reality, I hit his shoulder which made him tumble over a rock embedded in the grass. We can run with that, I think as I cross the finishing line of the relay race.

"Goooo Ben!" yells the class. "We," says Erica, "Just won a trip to the beach," Zoe finishes, and they high five. I go in for a sweaty hug and envelope them around both of my arms. "Lets go pack!" I shout. Mike facepalms and points at both girls. I nod. "They're cool aren't they," He just shakes his head and walks off. 

"Yeah anyways I gotta go see Trixie before we leave," Erica pushes my arm off of her shoulder. I turn to Zoe. "Celebratory boba tea?" 

"Woo boba. Let's get packed first though," she checks her watch. "We have two hours,"

"Okay so we meet back here at..hmm eleven-ish?" I say

"elevenish sounds great,"

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now