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Erica tugs me close enough that I can see the light freckles she has that are usually hidden during the summertime. My breath quickens, and I tell myself to calm down. But my inner monologue never fails me. Are we about to kiss right now? In reality she's actually holding out both of my hands so that she can wrap them with bandages. Wait. Wrap them in bandages? "Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?" I ask as she wraps her hands the same way she did mine. "We," she says while tying the last knot and tucking it into her own band, "are going to destress. Aka hand to hand combat,"

She does a few hops before stretching out her arms and her legs. I just stand there like a limp piece of spaghetti. She sighs and comes around to my side. "You know this stuff Ben. Just get your head outta that gloomy mindset you're in," She props my arms up in the way that Professor Greenwold taught us, the way that she learned. "Ready?" she asks when she gets back to her side of the grass.


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