
1.4K 6 2

I yank off the clue pinned to the side of the Canadian Embassy. I'm glad I remembered Ben's hospital room (however weird that might sound) from his little Croatoan incident. His room number had been 501, and we had found the first clue beside a Canadian flag. Easy right? No. I press my mic to check in with Erica, only to hear a cacophony of grunts. Well that's not good. I tap back onto my phone. Four bright dots are spread across Washington, and I zoom onto Erica's blue blinking dot. She's backed up into a corner two minutes away from me. "Hang on, I'm on my way," I say, dashing out of my secured point, the blind side of the two assassins after me. 

"Plus I got a pair of dual batons. Did I ever thank you for those?" 

A few minutes later, all the enemy agents are knocked out. "Thanks for the help, although I didn't really need it," Erica says as she gently toes an unconscious body. "Plus, you only knocked out one person," 

I offer her a fist bump, "that's good enough for me." She laughs lightly. "Do you think the drama king and queen can handle the rest of the mission, because I want to make a pit stop for some fries."

I gasp comically. "You? Eat fRiEs?" She punches my shoulder and then takes off. "I actually don't think they can handle it, but we can make it if we order fast," 

Spy School Year 4Where stories live. Discover now