Boris- Baby (Part 1)

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You were in the middle of having a conversation about getting new tattoos after giving birth, with your husband, Boris.

Boris was the new capomandamento at a local mafia and you were that one lucky bastard whom he chose to be his queen.

The sun was already sinking and the skies were painted with hues of scarlet and marmalade. You and your husband were laying on the king-sized bed in your room reading about how your husband's friend, Theo, got to legally have The Goldfinch in his custody after opening an art gallery of his own.

You and Boris quit school a long time ago but when he got rich from all his drug deals, he was able to get an old man as a private tutor who also happened to be a medical doctor.

At times you were too tired to stay in class due to your pregnancy, your husband patiently and lovingly educated you with complicated things you haven't learned yet or struggled understanding. He just made the topics that you were interested in, sound more interesting and easier to take in.

You caressed the tattoos on his arms and he would tell you what each one meant. One of them was a beautiful memoir of the greatest thing that have happened to him- you. He kissed your bulging belly where the love you created resided, whispering words gently with his husky voice and rusty English.

"Daddy's so excited to see you. Don't give mommy hard time."

He drew you closer, slowly moving his arm on your waist and gently caressed your face with his warm hand then pulled you into a passionate kiss. You moved your hands through his hair and let your arms rest, crossed at the back of his neck as his arms slowly snaked around on your waist. The moment felt so intense until it was interrupted by a sudden pang in your stomach then suddenly, a gush of liquid flowed from in between your legs to the floor.

"Honey, I think the baby's coming. Please call Dr. Alexeii to come over. Quick." You frantically asked with a shaky voice, trying to stabilize yourself by breathing in and out.

"You have me, honey. All the way. Were doing this together, alright?" He asked, worried.

You nodded, sinking into Boris's chest, gripping onto the back of his tank top as he stroke your back.

Dr. Alexeii, your private tutor who also happened to be the doctor you entrusted your baby's delivery with, did not take long to arrive with all his assistants and medical equipments, including the birthing pool.

Boris helped you all throughout the labor pains you've gone through in the bathroom. He encouraged you to breathe and calm down. He assisted in helping you stretch, relax ,and move around, giving you all the comfort you needed.

Everytime you moaned in pain, he kissed your forehead and gave assuring and comforting words and made you feel that everything will be alright.

He even managed to sing to you and make you laugh like an idiot for some time to make you forget the hell you would be going through soon. Boris willingly brought you food and drinks whenever you craved them or whenever you felt parched- only that he was clumsy and the trays he'd bring would keep falling down and he'd have to carry a new batch every now and then.

The contractions were coming in faster and closer apart than before. You groaned loader from the pain that was getting even more difficult to bear. Nurse came by from time to time to check your dilation. You waited agonizingly long to push.

As soon as Dr. Alexeii gave the signal that everything was ready, you finally had your sigh of relief. Boris instantly brought you out in bridal style and laid you in the pool filled with warm water.

"Honey, please come in the pool with me. I need you to hold me, please. I'm scared." You desperately cried. Streaks of sweat were already running down your temples and your spine.

"I won't be going anywhere. Breathe, love. I'm here." He stepped into the water and positioned himself behind you.

One of Dr. Alexeii's good-looking assistants handed Boris a towel. He smiled at her and you felt a little tingle of jealousy so you took his hand and held it tight.

"Ow! Easy there, honey. I'm all yours." You smiled and eased into breathing as your husband kissed your lips in front of the girl and wiped away the sweat on your forehead to stop them from flowing down the tendrils of your hair.

Dr. Alexeii spread your legs wide and stuck his fingers inside you to see how far you're dilated. Boris gave him a judgemental glare but he came back to his senses once he heard you let out a shriek of pain.

"You're ready to push, Mrs. Pavlikovsky." Your husband loved hearing when people called you by his last name. He was relieved to know that the doctor knew his limits.

"It hurts! Please! Just get it out of me. I don't think I can do this." You teared up as you struggled breathing. Boris tried to calm you down with gentle hushes.

"Mrs. Pavlikovsky, you have to help your baby out. You need to push on my command."

"C'mon, honey. You can do this." Boris reassured, gripping your hand firmly as his free hand stroked the side of your left arm. He kissed the back of your head, then the side of your neck. You suddenly felt a sudden force making you bear down in pain.

"Breathe. One, two, three, push!" You followed as the doctor commanded, gripping Boris's hand. You let out loud groans and grunts as you felt your unders throb in excruciating pain. You screamed agonizingly as you felt your baby's head being forced its way down.

"C'mon, honey. You're getting there. Breathe. A few more pushes." Your husband calmly instructed, though his nervousness was already showing through.

You mustered all your strength and gave a strenuous long push. Your husband looked at you with saddened eyes, watched as you helplessly screamed out strangled cries. You flung your head back in tremendous pain as your baby's head slid down.

"You're not pushing hard enough! Push harder!"

You felt your child nearing the exit faster as the pain grew more intense than ever but you were getting worn out. Everything was stressing you so much, even the doctor's commands.

"Let her breathe!" Boris remonstrated as he saw you completely struggling, bathing in your own sweat after continuously pushing without short pauses or rests in between that your face looked red and veins showed through your temples. You screamed in pain once more as you felt the baby starting to crown.

"I said push. But keep breathing! Pause only when I say so. That's it! Don't stop! Keep pushing! Harder harder harder harder!" The doctor has gotten more aggressive and you didn't understand why.

If you push one more time, you felt like passing out. You understood that giving birth to this child could mean your death but you're more than willing to risk it. Minutes have passed. You tried to push as much as you can, forcing the baby out while you still had the energy to. Finally, your baby crowned. The doctor instructed you to pant the head out to avoid tearing.

Another contraction hit so you pushed and screamed in pain once more and gritted your teeth as you felt the baby's head slide further down to crown and the pain only got worse and worse by the minute. You kept listening to the Dr.'s aggressive commands and felt yourself tearing but you heaved one strong last push and your baby was out with loud cries.

"My baby! Oh god. I'm a dad!" You heard your husband shout in glee.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" Dr. Alexeii cut the cord and handed Boris your son. He always wanted a daughter but you could already see how much he loved his son.

Soon after you delivered the placenta and got all cleaned up. Dr. Alexeii and his team tidied their stuff and went on their way.

You and Boris finally had time to cuddle with your baby on your bed. Both of you were in awe, admiring his features, still surprised that you are already parents.

"Honey, you got your wish- a little Mama's boy. Look at him, he looks so precious." Your husband couldn't stop smiling at his son. You watched as his eyes welled with tears.

"Thank you, love. You made me the happiest man."

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