Boris- Baby (Part 2)

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You were so exhausted so as soon as your son, Ruslan, dozed off, Boris carefully placed him in his cradle.

Your husband then scooted next to you on the bed, placed his arms under your head and the bed covers over you. He kissed your forehead and played with your hair as he sung you to sleep, hitting the sack as he cuddled you close.

Suddenly, you felt another sharp pain in your stomach as though you wanted to push.

"Honey, wake up. I don't know what's happening but I think I need to push."


"YES. PLEASE GET DOCTOR ALEXEII ON THE PHONE. NOW!-" You crouched, screaming in so much pain.

Boris frantically dialled Dr. Alexeii, stuttering and tripping over alot as he moved around to collect himself.

"Uh- Dr. I think we're having twins! How far have you gone already?"

"That's what I thought too. Turns out, I was right the first time. I'm sorry Mr. Pavlikovsky but I'm already at the hospital. I can have someone on the phone to instruct you on what to do. You can deliver your baby yourself with medical guidance."

"What?!? N-no, I don't think I c-"

"NO, BORIS. YOU FUCKING CAN. GET OVER HERE BECAUSE I CAN ALREADY FEEL THE BABY'S HEAD!" You scolded him so he went on ahead, scampering to get some clean towels and a basin of warm water.

"Okay! Alright please tell me what to do!"

"Okay, Mr. Pavlikovsky. I am Dr. Gallagher. Let's deliver this baby."

"Owwwww- Oh God. Boris! Honey, please!"

"I'm here. I'm here. Okay, Dr. I'm listening." Boris placed the call on loudspeaker then positioned you comfortably with your legs wide open as instructed.

"Check your wife's dilation. I'm assuming Dr. Alexeii has already taught you how."

"Yes. He did. Go on." Boris inserted his fingers inside you. His touch made you shiver and moan in pleasure. Little did you know that his member was also growing hard. You snapped back to reality when a strong contraction came."



"That's the signal. Push now, Mrs. Pavlikovsky."

"It's alright, honey. Trust me. You can do it. Okay, push!"

Boris sped to your side, offering his hands to hold as you bore down your second child. In the hear of the moment, you realized you both haven't well-planned for a second child. You worried so much that you couldn't provide everything they needed growing up.

"Honey, I'm- ahhh- so sorry. We didn't plan for a second baby- I"

"Hush, love. I am extremely happy. Our kids will grow up fine. Don't worry about money." You felt relieved to know that your husband was supportive all the way.

"I love you." You mouthed as you felt another strong contraction hit you.

"I love you more."

"NOW! PUSH MRS. PAVLIKOVSKY!" You pushed as hard as you could, giving all that you've got.

"KEEP PUSHING! YOU'RE CROWNING!" Your husband encouraged holding your hand firmly.

You arched your back and moaned loudly in pain as your body stretched more when you bore down your child. Boris watched as you scrunched your nose and pulled your legs closer, tilting your head back from feeling all the pressure and burning pain as your baby's head slowly eased it's way out of your body.

"C'mon, love. That's it! You're doing great!" With a loud strangled groan, your child's head slid out of you.

The doctor instructed you to breathe in and out, pant slowly as Boris uncoiled your baby's cord around the neck. You followed the doctor's instructions and allowed your body to take rests. The pain hit you again and it struck with more impact this time.

Boris held you close and caressed your back, planting some kisses on your bare skin.

"C'mon, honey. You're so close. We're almost there."

"Push! Harder. More more more." The doctor instructed. You screamed as the shoulders slid through your unders.


"Honey, just a little bit more. Hang in there. I love you. Keep going." You saw tears welling up in your husband's eyes.

You pushed with all your might, gripping Boris's hand hard and screamed deep with short moans and grunts of pain. You gave out three big pushes, arching your back and tilting your head back once more, Boris seing veins contract on your temples. Finally, with the last strong push, you felt your baby slide out completely.

"Honey, we have a girl!"

"Love, she's our very own little daddy's princess."

"She's beautiful, just like her mother."

"Look, son. Meet your sister, Irina."

"Congratulations on your new bundles of joy, Mr. and Mrs. Pavlikovsky. Alright. I have to go. Please do not hesitate to contact me if something happens. Thank you."

"Thank you as well, doctor." Boris dropped the phone.

You cried tears of joy and watched Boris be overwhelmed with so much emotions again as he admired your daughter so lovingly. The tears in his eyes were more than yours. He cut the baby's cord, wrapped it in a fine towel, and placed it on your chest.

"Thank you, honey. I feel more than complete now."

He brought his face closer to yours, wiped his tears and yours then caressed your face in his warm hand. You felt how lucky you were that your husband always made you feel special. Even when things were hard, he stuck by your side.

You've never ever felt this happy.

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