Mike- I Don't Lose (First Kiss Pt.2)

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A/n: I uhh- sorry it took long to update ehjajdnd Felt sad and so uninspired lately. I kinda knew deep in my bones that Finn and Els were dating, I'm just a sucky, dramatic fan. Ok, whatever. I love them both so lezz move on


flanging, Hiyaa! This one's for you~

Summer was over and it was agonizingly long for you since you couldn't get it off your mind that Mike Wheeler just unintentionally stole your first kiss like that.

Your first kiss wasn't even heartfelt! It was compulsory.

You felt that the universe was utterly disrespectful because it knew that you wanted the first to be Will, so bad.

Today is your first day in college and guess what? You, Will Byers, and freaking Mike Wheeler would be in the same class.

Already pissing enough, you wanted to try as much as you can to right the universe's wrongs and convince Will Byers that first kisses usually don't end up together.

You were the first one in the room since you wanted as much as possible to have options of where to sit and avoid Mr. Wheeler. Probably, also having more chances of sitting next to Will.

You made yourself look extra fresh and pretty today just in case. A few minutes passed. You dozed off and woke up only when the room was  buzzing with random student chatters.

"Hey. Mind if I sit here?" A wide cheery grin grew on your face.

"Not at all. Hey I uh– I wanted to tell you something later. If you aren't busy and if it's alright, can you uhm meet me at the field?"

"Yeah sure. I'll meet you there." Will smiles in return, preparing his stuff for the first period just like everyone else.

Your professor came and went on with the lecture. You studied this in advance and still had the lectures at home so you weren't really interested in listening.

You just doodled at the back of your notebook. Will noticed that you weren't paying attention anymore so he wrote on your notebook and placed his right arm on your desk, exposing his forearm.

'Can you sketch me a nice tat?'

You softly giggled at Will's silliness and started to draw an abstract astronaut with one line, then observed the people around you just to make sure no one's looking.

Might as well make sure that no one would call you out and tell the professor you weren't listening any longer.

You found it weird that your eyes were searching for Mike but he wasn't around. Then your phone lit up. Mike sent you a message.

"Hey. What are you doing with him later on that field, y/n?"

"Shit, Wheeler. Can you not just pop out of nowhere?"

Mike finally makes his presence known after trading his seat with one that was closer to you from behind. Apparently, he bribed the kid who was sitting there. A chair in exchange for the next quiz's cheat sheet.

"What? Are you afraid of me kissing you again out of nowhere?"

"For the record, Wheeler. I. KISSED. YOU."

"O- ho. So... Did you enjoy taking advantage?"

"What?!? Are you fucking kidding me? Technically, I gave you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I didn't 'kiss' you. You're lucky to even be breathing because of me."

"Yep. I owe you my life. So until I get to repay you, you stick with me. Not Will.  You're my first kiss, y/n. Not his."

"And who the hell gave you the authority to just tell me what to do and bug me?"

"Y/n, I know Will. And I know you like him. But just please listen to me. I'm sparing you from a massive heartbreak. Will likes someone else, okay? And he's too kind to break it to you but I'm telling you now so you know."

"Wheeler, I've been liking Will for a fucking long time now. And you telling me this now, isn't going to stop me from trying to at least get my feelings accross. Not unless you win me over, which I doubt you can."

"Oh- I see. Are you challenging me? You're going to regret saying that. I'm telling you, y/n. I don't lose."

The bell rang. You went to one more class then club recruitment sign-ups and auditions came.

Theatre Arts club interested you. Sure, you wanted to act. But you also wanted to be in some sort of a musical, with all the grand costumes, stunning make-ups, exhilarating choreographies, marvelous stage lighting, and magical set-up.

You knew Will Byers was going to be there too. One of his published comics would be turned into a play. You've read it for God knows how many times and wanted so much to take the female lead role. Will would be watching. You wanted to impress him so much.

You signed up but there was an audition. They handed you a short script to practice beforehand. You forgot but later on realized that the club was run by the school's most infamous playwright, Nancy Wheeler.

Yes The Nancy Wheeler, who also happened to be that cocky bastard, Mike's sister.

Auditions came, and of course Mike Wheeler was there too, just to piss you off. He smirked as soon as your eyes met. You knew he was up to no good.

Nancy called you out from the list of those who wanted to audition for female lead. Then, out of sheer dumb luck. Mike Wheeler also got called to play the male lead to do the audition together with you.

It was a fucking kissing scene that Will Buyers wrote. Hell, he would also be watching.

We said a few lines then as soon as you were about to kiss, you couldn't take it anymore and broke character.

"Y/n, you're too stiff! Come on. I thought you'd do it better since you've actually kissed Mike before." Nancy blared out from a megaphone.

"Nance, that's different!" You protested.

"It's okay, y/n. You're alright. Just remember, it's all an act." Will reassured.

It's all an act. You reminded yourself.

You looked at Mike and finally saw him eye to eye. You got a whiff of his subtle scent and admired the curls on his head to the freckles on his face as the script instructed.

He seemed less of a prick now. He gently held up your hand towards his warm cheeks as he pulled you close. His right palm caressed midway you upper back and the small of it.

He swept his thumb across your cheek and smiled as he looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. He kissed your forehead and whispered,"Whatever it is to save that heart of yours from breaking." Then kissed your forehead.

You froze. This wasn't part of the script. A warm feeling crept up your cheeks and your heart beat sped. This feeling wasn't in the script either. As soon as you tried looking away, he pulled you into a warm, gentle, tight hug, resting his chin on your head.

"I bet Will Byers won't ever be able to make you feel this way." He whispered. You could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

"So, do you wanna make the kiss look real or do you wanna kiss for real?" He whispers again. You could feel Mike fucking Wheeler, fucking up your plans.

You just wanted to get this over with. He's really doing it. He's making you swoon so hard. He's finally winning you over.

You couldn't resist the feeling that was beating you all up inside so you rested your palms on his warm neck and caught him by surprise as you brought him in for a nice, real kiss.

As soon as you broke away, Mike Wheeler felt quite embarrassed and looked away with an apparent blush on staining his cheeks red.

"I told you, y/n. I don't lose."

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