Trevor Spengler- Okay

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Trev was in a live interview with Phoebe and the rest of the Ghostbusters for National TV today.

At least, the ones left alive.

They get praised a lot nowadays for saving the world. He invited you to come but you were busy helping out Callie bringing new furniture into the newly renovated rundown Spengler residence.

You promised to eat dinner with the Spenglers when they get home from the interview and assured Trev that you wouldn't miss them on TV.

You were intently watching him from their new TV screen, silently admiring him ramble about how he drove the Ecto-1, how incredible it felt to speed through the roads, and how enthralling it was to capture Muncher in the Remote Trap Vehicle. 

You silently chuckled at his enthusiasm and his quirky antics. And then it dawned on you...

He's famous now. Your big crush on him.... This silly thing that makes you feel all warm and giddy inside today will only hurt your heart deeply tomorrow. What if one day, other girls would catch his attention? What if you lose the chance of him seeing you and how you really felt about him?

And if he chose you, what if people ask him, 'Why you when he could do better?" 

You were plagued by those thoughts. Possessed by them, almost  that you completely dazed off and not notice Callie calling your attention.

"Hey, y/n/n. Are you doing alright?" She tapped on your shoulders. 

"Hmm? Y-yeah, I guess." 

"What's on your mind? Mind to tell me?" She coaxed as she disposed of the plastic wraps that covered the new couch sets and sat beside you.

"Nothing." You looked down and nervously scratched your thumbs with your index fingers. 

"It's alright. You can tell me anytime when you feel like it." She lightly patted my hands. We both fixed our attention back to the TV screens as a fan came up and asked Trevor a question.

"Are you seeing anyone right now?" You felt your chest tighten, you fell stiff, glued tightly to your seat as you heard your heart beat wildly in your chest.

"No. But I plan to." You intensely stared, seeing him gush over mentioning about the thought he had in mind.

"Mind telling us about this person?"

"It's private. Really. But I think she's watching right now. And if you are, I hope you hear what I have to say. I like you. I really do. I look forward to fixing more cars with you. Maybe ride one together chasing sunsets if you'd like."

"Oh that's really sweet." The interviewer responds, proceeding to ask another Ghostbuster a different question. 

You immediately sulked, assuming that he was talking about Lucky. You knew very well it was Lucky. You only fixed the Ecto with him once where he almost toppled over you because you were very clumsy with the wrenches you place on the floor. It must be Lucky he talked about. Who else does he always fix cars with?

"He was talking about you, y/n." Callie says, putting an arm over your shoulder as she looked at you to clear your doubts.

"No, I'm pretty sure he was talking about Lucky." You fought, feeling a warm lump in your throat rise up and eyes welling up slowly.

"Please, Ms. Spengler. I love Trevor. You know that. And it hurts that I know him too well. He doesn't want me. I know that well too. Thanks for calling me over to help. But I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling like having this conversation today." You stood up and headed to the door, now finding it hard to stifle in the sobs so you let the tears flow.

As soon as you got to the door, you heard Callie shout,

"He likes you, y/n! Because I know him better! I'm his mom!"

You twisted the doorknob open and was met by Trevor at the door, Phoebe sped through to give their mom a hug.

"Hey, what's up?" He chirps, looking quite delighted to see you there.

"I just need to go home. It's nothing, really." You sniffled, wiping your tears off with the sweater you wore that were actually Trevor's. The one he lent you when you spent the night to camp out at the convenience store parking lot to catch a swarm of marshmallow men. 

"Oh, but I do have to tell you something so you have to stay."  You looked up at him, meeting his eyes as he stared at yours.

"Come outside with me."  He whispers, tugging lightly at your sweater and soon taking you by the hand as you both ran towards the empty streets. You looked up to him lovingly, admiring him smile so warmly underneath yellow street lights.

"It's true, y/n."

"What's true? It's Lucky, isn't it? The one you plan to go out with?" You sadly utter, bitterly avoiding Trevor's eyes.

"I said it's true."

"What is?"

"What mom said."

"God, Trevor. How much did you hear?"

"Pretty much everything I had to hear. Everything I wanted to hear."

You fell silent and rammed yourself against Trevor's chest and hugged him like you'd lose him tomorrow.

"I love you too."  He ran his fingers through your hair and kissed the top of your head.

"Trev, are you sure about this? You could be with so many people other than me. There are a lot of people out there who wants to be with you. People better than me."

"But they're not you. I want you. And if you will, I'll take you as you are."

"I'm so sorry, Trev. But are you really sure you're okay with me?"

"Y/n, stop. You don't have to be sorry.  Of course, I'm okay with you! I love myself when I'm around you. I love being with you. I love you. You don't lack anything. In fact, you complete me. You complete me, y/n. So stay."

"And what if someday, I don't anymore?"

"Then I'll stay." He held your hands, sincerely looking at you with loving eyes.

"If you're okay with me, then I'll be okay."


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