Finn- Assurance

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Trigger warnings: anxiety attack

Like a miracle, you got into the first section after your class was resectioned according to GPAs in the next semester.

Deep inside you were so anxious. You felt so pressured. You felt like an imposter to yourself. Your best friend got into the same section as you but you weren't happy at all.

You wanted so much to get away from her. Because when she's there, two things would always happen-

it's either you're discredited because people would just think you were just given the slot in Section A because she was a genius and you're her shadow so she earned the privilege for you,

Or you'd often be compared to her in your family because she plays the role of a golden child better than you.

Recently, class elections came up and you wanted a position so badly because it would help amp your grades up. You barely did well in one of the subjects last semester so you figured you needed this.

You got nominated but when you were asked to speak out and sell yourself, anxiety got the best of you.

You panicked and stuttered so much, you sounded dumb and couldn't get out what you wanted to say.

You felt that your classmates probably think that you're an idiot who never have anything smart to say and didn't belong with them.

Yoy tried so hard not to let things get to you by keeping up a solid, foolproof facade. But it was slowly breaking and you longed so much for someone to hold you up.

After an embarrassing speech, you excused yourself from the class and ran to the rooftop to cry your eyes out.

You choke up a scream of inner pain and felt your throat burning as your chest started to tighten. Loud destructive thoughts plagued your mind  You struggled to focus between your ragged breaths and shaky limbs.

No doubt, you knew very well what it was- an anxiety attack.

You wanted so much to scream for help but you couldn't open your damn mouth even if your life depended on it. You felt like fainting until you felt a warm chest press against your sensitive back.

Subtle arms embraced you snugly from behind and had your your fingers interlaced with thin, frail, but stable ones. You felt light curls tickle your neck and warm cheeks brush ever so lightly on your neck.

"Breathe, love. I'm here."

Tears kept streaming down your face but it now felt like release than restraint because someone was there to remind you to breathe. 

Finn was there.

"Slowly. Deeply. Gently. Through your nose, that's it. We're getting there."

He helped you get yourself grounded and when you finally felt relaxed, he made you face him so he could plant a kiss on your tense forehead.

"Come here, love. You're okay."

He loosened his right arm from one of his backpack's stamraps and swung it to his front to take out some cotton pads and make-up remover. Ones you'd use on Finn when he comes to school in the afternoon after filming and he forgets to take off his make-up.

He discreetly took it from your touch-up kit that he knew you usually hid under your desk before coming to the rooftop and help you calm down.

"Let's get that sappy sad face outta here." He says, cupping your face between his palms and gently wiping away your messy mascara.

He awkwardly tries to sweep powder across your face with the biggest brush he could find in your kit, gaining a giddy chuckle from you because of his silliness.

"Aww Finn. You're such an idiot. It's stinkin' cute."

"Hope you find everything I do today, cute. So you'll want to get stuck with my ass for the rest of your life." He jokingly says, with a sheepish, cocky grin on his face.

"I came in prepared. Hope this cheers you right back up. So you don't have to come back down, feeling like shit anymore." He takes out a whole picnic from his bag, which amused you so much, you couldn't help but laugh so damn loud.

"Finn, I swear I thought you brought books this time. How did you even get a whole ass comfort food buffet with a picnic blanket to fit in there? You're incredible, Mr. Wolfhard. You impress me." You chortled at his antics as you say yourself down while he got busy arranging the whole set-up

"And YOU impress me. YOU are incredible and I'm beguiled by you. So you don't have to feel any less just because you think you are or they make you feel inadequate. Love, you are more than enough. You are so many wonderful things I can't put to words."

Your lips quivered again as you felt your heart swell with overwhelming love and appreciation for Finn.

"So if they push you aside, I'll pick you up. If they see you as a shadow and make you feel second-rate, I'll be damn sure to always put you first. You deserve every good thing that the universe has to offer and I'll be here to keep reminding your of that. You've got nothing to prove them. You are amazing even without their validation. You're perfect just like that. I love you, okay?"


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