Miles- Bad Dreams

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It was midnight and you were supposed to be at the Manor with Miles. You couldn't be a second late. You know his temper more than anyone and you wouldn't want to tremble in fear. Not today.

You were hired by Miles the moment he knew you got kicked out of your dorm for not being able to pay the fees. He pays your tuition in return, you work for him- make his homework, clean his room, wash his dishes, make his bed, and even prepare his bath.

He treats you nicely. He didn't at first, but you eventually found that you had grown on him. When it's you, he'd always give that rare special treatment. You were the only one who could put up with him. You pretty much, figured that out fast.

You keep suffering from nightmares of him leaving you behind. You were unaware, there were times you'd sleep talk of begging him not to leave for someone else and whimper loudly. You were so worried one day, you'd wake up and he wouldn't be there anymore. But you didn't want that to show.

It was his birthday today and he specifically wanted to do something a little outrageous.

"Y/n, please light some of your favorite scented candles up. Prepare our goblets. And can you please pour all the finest, most expensive aged wines from the cellar. Well, not all. Just enough to fill the tub. Save some for us to drink. You'll be joining me in the bath tonight."

You did just exactly that. You got so excited and couldn't contain yourself- thinking 'what else could we possibly do tonight?'

Miles was just that spontaneous and unpredictable.

You changed all his white sheets to a suede black, his beige curtains to velvet red, candles were alight to set a classy warm mood. You changed into a black camisole and shorts that hugged your thighs perfectly inside a red robe. The bath was set, wine was poured on warm water fragrances with lavender. Fresh carnations and rose buds elegantly stayed afloat. You swore it almost felt like you were in a honeymoon.

But you weren't. You're nothing but his maid. He's only kind to you because you were his only friend and you're still useful.

As you finished placing the last of the rose petals in your hand on the water, you heard the bathroom doorknob slowly turn. You turned your back only to see a charming Mr. Fairchild with only his boxers on in a dark robe.

"Hey, y/n. Did I make you wait that long?"

"No, no. Not really. Do you uhm- want to eat something first?"

"It's alright. We can do that in the tub."


"Hmm. Got a dirty little mind now, do we?"

"W-what? N-no. I didn't even say anything." You hear Miles softly chuckle in a teasing way, not ever moving his happily squinted eyes away from looking at you.

"I meant I prepared some clubhouse sandwiches for us to eat in the bath. Wine and that, plus hungry us. That- would be absolutely perfect."

"Yeah. I guess so," was all you could manage to say.

You both hanged your robes and slipped into the bath, slipping on opposite sides of the tub. The skin of both your warm torsos touched under the wine-mixed water.

You reached a box from under the outer back side of the tub along with a rusted vintage lighter then opened it to light the thin candle on a small round red velvet cake.

"Happy Birthday, Miles."

"Oh no not yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you could make me happier."

Your heart started pumping wildly inside your chest.

"Come here." He motioned you to come closer and lie your back on his chest.

"I- uh... Don't want you looking at me when I say it. Please. Please be distracted by this." He took a palmful of wine water in his hand and gently poured it over you head. He played with your hair and massaged your tender, frail neck and back with his slim fingers.

"Okay. But please, Miles. I don't want you touching me elsewhere. We're not doing anything we might well regret in the morning."

"Okay. I promise." You hear him take a deep breath in and sigh almost shakily.

"I know you know how much you mean to me. I don't say it out loud because I find it hard to admit things. I like you, y/n. No. In fact, I'm quite sure that I've learned to love you for quite some time."

This made you chuckle in disbelief. You didn't trust a word at all. You just are so sure you aren't getting swayed today.

"Prove to me that you truly love me and I'm not just a charity case nor am I a convenience you find so easy to carry around then toss away when I'm no longer useful."

"I know you think I'm that selfish but you like bacon, fried eggs, and avocados on toast than pancakes in the morning so I always purposely cook so much in the morning. I always warm my hands before I hold yours because I know your hands are always cold. I know your bad dreams of me leaving in your sleep talk so I spend as much time as I can with you so you'd know I wouldn't leave just like that. You think they're all coincidences but now you know very well they're not."

"Miles, you sneaky little bastard-"

"I won't force anything to happen. Feel absolutely free to reject me if you don't feel the same. But I just wanted you to know that you're the only person who made me feel so much when I thought I couldn't feel anything else but emptiness." You turned your back to face him.

"And if anyone could ever make me feel this way again, I'd always choose you. That wouldn't change. You know how stubborn I am and how true my words are. So if you're having doubts, I'll do whatever it is to prove to you as much as I can how sincere I am in pursuing you. But I'll stop if you tell me. So tell me... How do you feel a-about m-me?"

You took his goblet and poured all the wine there was in it inside yours. You chugged all the blood-hued liquid confidence in.

"I love you, Miles. Please stay."

He nodded his head with a subtle smile on his face.

You burried your face in his chest, hugging him tightly and sobbed in relief that he was genuinely in love with you too. He hugged you back. You kissed his chin under his warm neck and he replied with a gentle smooch on your forehead.

"No more bad dreams."

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