Richie- Headshot

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(You and Richie are in middle school)

It's the last day of school before summer. You and the losers were playing dodgeball in the school field with a huge paper ball that you guys made with some tape and your exam papers.

You had the ball now and Richie was the closest to you. You wanted to get some laughs and targeted for a head shot to punish him for confusing you and giving out the wrong answer in the last part of the multiple choice during the last exam. So as soon as Richie stopped in his tracks and looked front, you threw the ball in his face.

As the ball flew, Richie knew it was going to hit him so he screamed— "OH SHIT!" And it did. It hit his face and broke one lens of his glasses.

"Way to go, blockhead. You could've openes your eyes before your dirty mouth." Eddie complained.

"Aw man! Weeeell, I guess I'm just going to sleep," Richie whines as he takes of his glasses and wobbles to the shady part of the field area where you guys played, then laid himself on the dewy grass there.


"WHATEVER!!!," Bev replies.

You guys continued playing. It was Mike's turn to throw the ball. You looked over to Richie and itched to check one him– see if he's okay. You ran absentmindedly and got caught off guard. Mike hit you right in the bum as you ran, so you fell over Richie who was already half asleep.

"Ow! What the heck, y/nn!?"

"Sorry, Rich. Sorry times two. Are you okay though?"

"Uhh—No? I think I just broke a rib or two." He sarcastically balled.

"Well, can I uh.. At least help you up?"

"Yes please." You stood up first and pulled a groaning Richie up.

The game continued even without you guys because they were having so much fun that they didn't bother to check.

Richie searched the ground with his palms, looking straight ahead while squinting his eyes. As soon as he found what he found his glasses, he wore them. You guys heard a few people laughing at a distance, pointing at– not Richie, but you.

You gasped when Richie grabbed you and placed you behind him protectively. Three ignorant boys stood a few meters across you, showing disgusted faces at you.

"Y/n/n, you uhhmm, you got a blood stain on your bum. Hold on."

Richie took his jacket off and tied it on your waist. You felt a knot on your stomach and an unnerving, unfamiliar fluttery feeling that was rising up to your chest and painting rosy hues on your cheeks.

"Oh. T-thanks." you look away, flustered.

"Yeah. Sure." Richie awkwardly patted your shoulders after then facing back at those boys.

"What are you looking at?!? Don't you know what periods are? This is what your momma dreaded not having. Instead, they had you fucking assholes!"

The three boys looked at each other confused, asking themselves what periods are, then looked back at you.

"What are you waiting for?!? Scram!" Richie took a huge ass rock and lifted it with his right hand, threatening to hit them with it so they ran.

"Richie, that's enough. Thank you. Can we please uhm, get away from here? I'm so embarrassed, I can't even look at you right now."

"Huh? You're telling me. Be thankful that you even CAN look." You looked back at him, giggling and realizing that both of his lenses are now in shambles.

"C'mon, I'll hold you." You say as you grabbed on his arm and walked towards the losers. Richie explained the situation to them and they understood, a little commentary comedic futile bickering aside.

Though Richie didn't say it, he was also quite embarrassed. But the fluttery kind of way. Blood rose up to his cheeks and ears, making him look like a cute, perky, and pinkish little hamster.

"Bev, do you have one of those uh- thingies you girlies use when you get periods?"

"Ohhh. Y/n?"

"Well it obviously isn't me. I don't know. Maybe Eds?"

I snortled. Bev chuckled a little bit, rolling her eyes.

"Let me check." Bev scurried over to her bag to look for one, all to no avail.

"Sorry, y/nn. Why don't you go buy some with Richie."

"I can't see streets clearly, Bev. I'm going to get us killed. Why don't you go with her."

"I can't. I've got to go home early. Or my dad will get me killed."

"It's okay guys. I can go by myself–"

"Y/n, No. Those assholes might show up again so you're going with me." Richie protests.

"So it's settled then." Bev responded.

"C'mon guys! It's getting late!" Mike calls out after fixing his stuff and getting their bikes ready along with the rest of the losers.

"Rich, is it okay if you uh- ride with me a bit? I'll ask my brother to take your bike later. I'll take you home. Just consider it as my thanks and some sort of apology." I rubbed my left hand over my right forearm in embarrassment.

"C'mon Rich. You guys are neighbors anyway. Be helpful for once." Eds insisted. 

So Richie gave up and just went with it. He clutched the back of your shirt tightly, afraid of falling, on top of that, not seeing anything clearly, as you guys rode the bike to a small grocery store. You didn't want to bother Richie more so you asked him to wait for a little bit, bought sanitary pads, asked for a small plastic bag, and changed in the bathroom.

Good thing you got enough savings and still had extra clothes and underwear packed for that time the losers planned to have a water balloon fight that didn't happen because of the bad weather. You got Richie some snacks too.

You went on biking to Richie's home when suddenly, you hit a bump that caused him to grab on to your waist and hug it tight.

"S-sorry. I d-didn't mean to."

"It's alright, Rich." You responded, feeling flustered all over again.

"Can I keep on holding on to you like this though? I heard it helps with menstrual cramps." He asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, whatever trash mouth." You sighed, giggling and finding that small gesture rather cute.

As soon as you arrived at Richie's house, you helped him off the bike.

"Thanks again, Rich."

"Thank you too, head shot." He teased.

You watched Richie as he crouched slightly and walked like a fool with his palms patting the air in front of him for any obstructions in his way. You couldn't help it, so you just held his hand.

"W-what are you d–" Richie, stammered as you guided him towards the front door.

"Being your eyes."


Your heart was exploding in your chest so as soon the you reached the door, you threw your arms around him and hugged him abruptly then rang the doorbell. Before he could say a word, you sped off to your own house, running up your room and locking yourself in, still having a feeling frenzy, as his mom opened the door to let Richie in.

"Fuck it, Tozier. I think it isn't just my head you're messing with."

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