An innocent and chirpy girl whose whole world revolves around her small little family. Anyone who sees her would agree without a second thought that she is the perfect definition of beauty and innocence. Maturity with childishness and...
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Two years ago when I graduated from college I was determined to not use Papa and Bhai's influence and get a job myself. And it's not like Papa would help me also because my father always believed in hard work before anything. 'If you work for it, you will achieve it' is what he always used to teach me and Bhai. And it's for that same reason he made bhai prove himself that he can handle the company by himself before actually giving him the CEO position in his company. That's why I worked hard to get an internship under "Home" and after my final year exams got accepted and after a one-year internship I started working there officially.
"Home" is an interior designing company started by Sia Shetty who is a 45-year old businesswoman. She is a hard-working woman who though faced losses in the starting worked hard and brought her business to heights. She was my inspiration to become an interior designer. I wasn't sure at one point what to pursue as a career as I am the kind of person who has an interest in gaining knowledge on different things. But designing, putting together a warm and cozy home, somewhere you can go to at the end of the day and spend time with your loved ones was something I was always interested in. And in the end, I chose this as a career.
"Madira! The presentation was amazing! You did so well! I am proud of you! Keep it up! And start the work of decorating in five days as we planned. I have faith in you that you will bring it out exactly like how we planned!" Sia Mam said patting my shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Mam" I beamed at her making her chuckle.
It's been two years I worked here, one year as an intern and one as an assistant designer. But recently, Sia Mam asked me to take charge of some projects as she feels I improved and am at a point to take charge. This is my first project which I am doing without any supervision and today is the day I show Mr. Mittal, our client his house designs. I am proud to say he loved my plan and signed the deal with us. And now in five days, I'll start working on his house in actual!
I can't wait to go home and share this news with everybody.
And it wasn't long before my office ended and I rushed home oy to see that my two monkeys are already at my place. Yes! Ayesh and Zeesh came by my place today for hanging out. And even Bhai came back from the office pretty early today! Great! I can get ice cream today!
"Guys!" I shouted as I went inside and started dancing crazy. Like if someone walks in right now they are going legit think I am a crazy person with no brain cells!
Everybody started laughing at me pretty much used to my antics by now and Zeesh asked me what's the reason for my "extra" happiness.
"Guess who bagged the deal!?" I said and started jumping up and down. All of them realized what I said and started congratulating me.
"Guess who is getting married?!" Mamma said jumping up and down laughing nervously making me stop my childish antics.
Married?! Is anyone of my cousins getting married?!
"Is anybody getting married?!" I asked looking at them with a confused smile.
Every one of them looked at me wide-eyed and then looked at Mamma with narrowed eyes while she stood there smiling sheepishly.
"Seriously Mandira! We thought of telling her tomorrow!" Papa said shaking his head left and right.
"What?! I got a little nervous and couldn't keep it in. You know I can't keep a secret!" Mamma said defensively folding her hands against her chest.
It's true! Mamma can't keep a secret for long except for super important ones. I go after her in this aspect. I blurt secrets out in the most idiotic situations. I have a history!
But that's beside the point now...
"Wait! Who is getting married again?!" I asked again only to get nervous glances from everyone.
Papa sighed and signaled me to come to sit beside him and I did without a word. I am confused as to why everyone is this nervous.
"Princess.....you know that all we want is your happiness and so we, I and your Mamma decided on something. We decided to get you married now that your studies are completed and you are in a good place in your job standing on your own two feet. So we thought this would be a nice time for you to settle down and focus a little on your personal life too. But, you don't have to rush this just take this at your own pace okay?" Papa told me carefully assessing my reaction.
This is.......uhh......well......a huge ass freaking bomb which they just exploded on me. But, Papa has a point if I look at it from his perspective. I mean it's scary to live 26 years of my life freely without any bound to anyone and to suddenly commit to someone is.......a little scary.
Who am I kidding?! It's very scary considering the fact of what if's which will for sure haunt my mind.
Seeing my uncertain expression Mamma came and sat down beside me caressing my hair smoothly "We are not asking you to marry right away beta. We just want you to think about it and give your consent if you are fine with us finding a good man for you"
I sighed thinking about everything. They have a point. What's the loss in giving it a chance? I mean......I want what my parents have. They were my role model growing up. Thirty years together and they still are so in love it's fascinating to look at them. On how you can stay with someone for this long and love them unconditionally. And what will I lose if I give it a try once?
"Okay if you say so. What's to lose anyway right? If you guys want to you can go ahead with it Papa, Mamma" I said looking at them making them shocked. Maybe because I am not being childish and denying this and rather am being serious about it.
"What?! I am mature sometimes also! I am not always dramatic! Trust me a little guys!" I said defensively and they smiled at me widely.
"Wohoooo! My bestie is getting married!" Zeesh shouted making me wince.
"Shut it Zeesh! I am not getting married right away!" I said narrowing my eyes at him.
"Whatever but I can sure start teasing you from now itself!" He said haughtily and started teasing me about it.
"You just wait there you raccoon I'll show you what teasing is" Saying that I started running behind him and soon our house is again filled with laughter and joy.
Hello lovely readers! DOUBLE Update!Hope you all liked the chapter! Lemme know how it is!
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