An innocent and chirpy girl whose whole world revolves around her small little family. Anyone who sees her would agree without a second thought that she is the perfect definition of beauty and innocence. Maturity with childishness and...
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(I updated another chapter which is Chapter-14 before this one so please do check that out before reading this since I updated two consecutive chapters early)
"I still can't believe you haven't even hugged or held your husband let alone kiss him yaar!! Madi you are completely useless!" Zeesh exclaimed throwing his hands in the air for exaggeration making me take an irritated sigh.
"Once again for the 10965th time I am telling you that I am not desperate enough to jump on him!" I said huffing in annoyance.
Both of my best friends slowly turned their heads towards me and looked at me with their eyes narrowed on me.
I groaned and gave in "Fine!........ I do want to know how it feels if he just......you know....hold me and maybe kiss me? But yaar who told him to be so handsome like he got the looks of a freaking God! And I am married to him and yeah I would like to......you know be close to him....and before you guys misinterpret it I want to be close to him not just in a physical way dipshit's emotionally too! But it will take time for that as you know we just got married and we barely know stuff.....deep stuff and so yeah let's give it some time and till then I can keep my horny inner witch inside!" I said and both of them hit their foreheads.
"You keep on taking time and by then Zeesh will get married and even have a kid but you still wouldn't have kissed your husband even by then!" Ayesh said making Zeesh's and my mouth open wide.
"He will get married means what?! Is he seeing someone?" I asked suspiciously and Ayesh gave a nervous laugh while Zeesh was glaring daggers at her.
"Woh......that!......Zeeshisseeingsomeonerightnowmorelikedating!" Ayesh blabbered not making me understand one word of it.
I quickly took a pillow and literally smashed her face with it.
"You Miss, Ayesh Batra spill it out right now!" I said while glaring at a guilty-looking Zeesh who went silent.
"Agh! Fine! I can't keep this secret anymore from her! So listen! Zeesh is seeing someone right now. He says it is not serious but they are kind of dating. And our Zeesh likes that guy so so much but is in denial about it" Ayesha said and my mouth hung wide open.
"WTF! Zeeshan Shergil how dare you hide this from me? And why didn't you tell me? And how long has this been going on?" I bombarded him with questions and finally, he opened his mouth.
"His name is Mohit Sen and he works as a chef in this new restaurant I went to recently after work. We hit it off instantly and we thought of hanging out. I don't even know if we are dating he officially didn't ask me out or neither did I so I don't know if we are 'dating' dating. We have made out a couple of times too. I haven't told this to you because you were busy with your wedding and I thought I'll break it to the both of you after we make it official but this bitch saw me texting him one day and she got the truth out of me" he finished giving a glare to Ayesh.
"Oh no! This much happened!? But why are you in denial of your feeling Zeesh?" I asked remembering what Ayesh said.
"It's....just......you know how it was difficult for me to come out of the closet with my parents and yes you both were there to support me every step of the way but still there is always a fear in my mind that......what if I get into a relationship and it doesn't work? I.........have never felt this way before and......it kind of scares me...I mean it has been week's but Mohit is also not taking any other step forward and I don't know if he also wants some casual thing" Zeesh said in a low tone and I instantly go and wrap my arms around me hugging him to me. Ayesh joins the hug too and we rock him while Zeesh just takes some deep breaths.
When Zeesh was 19 he came out of the closet to his parents and even though they took it very normally they were skeptical too a little at first but eventually, they supported Zeesh tremendously. Zeesh though, on the other hand, tried getting in relationships but many wanted just one-night stands and Zeesh doesn't want that. It's natural for him to be scared and I just want to take that fear away from him. I wish I could do something.
"Zeesh listen you are an amazing guy! And if that Mohit person cannot see that then his eyes need to be checked! Like look at you you are so darn handsome! And so cute and sweet and caring and beautiful! Inside out and anyone would be lucky to have you! I and Ayesh are so lucky to have you! So don't think about all these......if it affects you this much maybe try talking to Mohit okay? Communication is important remember" I said caressing his hair a little.
"Madi is right Zeesh communication is the key. Go to Mohit and tell him what's on your mind. I am sure he will understand. Don't overthink all these and lose your mind over things that can be resolved by simply just talking okay? And whatever it is I and Madi are always and forever going to be with you. 'Bros before hoes' right!?" Ayesh said quoting our 'mantra' we started following when we're 17 lol!
Zeesh finally chuckled at that and we all shared a good laugh and I don't know when that laugh turned into tickles and then a good ole pillow fight finally after 20 minutes of fun we three fell on my bed exhausted.
"When is Advaith bhai coming to get you tomorrow?" Ayesh asked suddenly.
"He texted he will come tomorrow afternoon as in the morning he got an emergency meeting it seems" I said while thinking how I want to see him since yesterday itself!
I miss my husband whom I married three days ago. I am going bonkers!
"Dress sexy girl! Maybe you will get some of that D at least tomorrow!?" Zeesh said winking at me and that's it!
Another round of pillow fight or might I say pillow strangling happened until I got Zeesh to shut the hell up!
Though that night all I could think about when I went to sleep is.....
Come soon, husband......I miss you...
Hello lovely readers! Madira and her friends are cute right?! I don't know how I got up to write this chapter but I was in the bathroom washing my hands a day ago and I got the idea of writing a scene between Madira and her friends lol and that's it I wrote it. Not to forget I got a few more ideas while washing my hands.
Question: Do you guys also get creative or weird ideas when you are in a bathroom or any weird place?!
Lemme know how you find it!
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