•Chapter- 24•

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"I forgot to get my lunch

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"I forgot to get my lunch. Come to my office NOW"

I smiled as I looked at Advaith's message. But narrowed my eyes at his demand.

"Don't you have a cafeteria in your office?"

I texted back and instantly got a reply.

"No. I want to eat from your hands come to my office NOW"

"Dominating jerk" I muttered and typed out.

"Why do I feel like you are just calling me in the pretense of lunch just so you could see me?"

Surely my husband won't admit that he is missing me right?

But who am I kidding?

"Yes! You got it. Now come"

I bit my lip with a giddy smile and just sent a kissy emoji keeping my phone aside and called Ritu inside my cabin.

"Ritu I am going out for lunch and I might get a little late. Don't wait up and finish the files I gave you after lunch and I'll check them after I am back. Tell Manish to send me the details I asked him about without fail" I instructed as I got up and took my bag going down to my car.

After our honeymoon, Advaith insisted I always go with a driver, and even though I refused he just literally commanded me leaving me with no option. I know it's for his sanity as he is a big shot businessman so he wants it for my safety and so I complied.

"Advaith's office Parth" I told Parth, the bodyguard plus driver I bargained with Advaith for. He was about to send a battalion behind me but I insisted on only one and he settled with Parth.

Since I was already familiar with Advaith's office as I have come here before I greeted the receptionist and straight went to the elevator leading to my husband's office.

As soon as I got down from the elevator I didn't see anyone around which made me frown.

I opened his door normally not thinking much about knocking and froze on my spot. The scene in front of me made me remember those books I read every day! My eyes bulged out as I saw a girl with fake extensions and a skimpy outfit holding my husband's face in her hands. My hands fisted as I was itching to throw her hands away and snap them in half!

How dare she keep her hands on my face! Bitch that face is mine!

Though I wanted to murder her I kept my cool and just stood there watching the scene unfold. Advaith immediately as she put her hands on his face slapped them away with such force as if it's an ant crawling on his face.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" He roared getting up from his chair that even I got scared a little bit. The girl jumped taken aback by his reaction, a frown marring her features.

Guess you are not used to rejection bitch!?

"But.....Mr. Raichand......I thought we could have some fun?!" The girl exclaimed doing something like biting her lip or trying to bite her lip?

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