An innocent and chirpy girl whose whole world revolves around her small little family. Anyone who sees her would agree without a second thought that she is the perfect definition of beauty and innocence. Maturity with childishness and...
"Calm down woman! If you act all bouncy how are you going to talk in front of him toughly!? So calm down love!" My husband tried to calm me down.
I did say that I am going to show my son how it will be if I get pissed but then it's safe to say that my son is very scary if he wants to be and I just want him to badly agree with me for this marriage.
"I am calm! And now shush! He is coming!" I said as I heard his footsteps coming into the living room. My husband and my daughter deeva giggled looking at me and I shushed them with my glare. As my son Advaith Raichand sauntered into the room with his concentration on his phone responding to all those stupid mails I took a deep breath.
"Hi beta! How was your day?" His black orbs looked at me as I spoke and he gave me a small smile coming to me and kissing my cheek before settling down on the opposite sofa.
"It was good Maa" he said and that's all he went back to his phone that I got exasperated and snatched the phone from him only to get an annoyed look back from him.
"What?! What's with the look?!" I said narrowing my eyes at him to which he sighed and looked at his father and sister for help. They both shrugged after they saw my murderous look.
"Very well! Advaith I have an important matter to tell you. I have found a girl I would like you to marry and we are going to meet them sometime this week. I will message you the date and time so make yourself available" I said in that sickly business tone my family members hate when I use it. He looked at me shocked and the next minute burst out in anger.
"Who told you to search for a girl Mom I am in no mood to get married to anybody! Can't you understand when I tell you once?!" He shouted getting up from his seat. I anticipated his anger so I kept my calm but my husband didn't want to let our son get away with this.
"Keep your tone down Advaith! You are talking to your mother! And this kind of behavior is not okay!? Your mother is worried sick about you! You go out of the house early in the morning and come back home late at night. Every day all you do is work and work and you need to tone it down. She is worried about your health and your life. So consider that before you go on shouting at her when all she is doing is looking out for you" Jay roared at our son who is looking down with traces of guilt in his eyes. But, he masked it and looked at me with seriousness in his eyes.
"I am not okay with this marriage Mom. I do not want to marry anybody" he said with anger in his tone. I sighed and resorted to what works best sometimes. Emotions.
I motioned him to come to me and made him sit down beside me. I caressed his hair and told him gently.
"Advaith.....beta I know that you don't want to marry anyone or let anybody in after what.....but you need to change. This is not the way to live. I understand the wounds are bigger but I want you to have someone to share it. I want you to get married and have a little family, a bit of someone of your own. Love is a very rare thing to find nowadays and I want you to find it. I want you to have that. I want my son back beta. It's been years. I want you to meet this girl because I think she is good for you and can make you happy. Please Adi" I said controlling my tears. He looked at my face and I can see the emotions he is facing but he doesn't let them show, I am certain about one thing when it comes to my son that he cannot see me cry at all and so he gets up with a sigh.
"Your son cannot change Mom and no one can make that happen. Not even that girl you say can. But if you want this so much then fine, but only after I get to know all the details of the girl. And, I need to know if she also gave her consent or not. Send me her details and I will let you know my decision" saying that with a cold and rigid tone he left for his room.
"I cannot believe that that is agreeing to this! Oh my god! Mom! You made it happen finally!" Deeva said with astonishment.
"What did I tell you doll!? That your Mom can make anything happen right?!" Jay said draping an arm over my shoulders.
"Shut it both of you! Don't take me to heights! I am so happy he agreed! I just hope he agrees to this marriage with Madira! God!" I squealed praying my son will agree.
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"Her name is Madira Varma, 26 years old. She lives with her family and works at 'Home' as an interior designer. She has one brother Ruhan Varma who is now the CEO of 'V Group' they come from a chain of textile and shipping and are very good at it. She has two best friends Ayesha Batra and Zeeshan Shergil. Her hobbies are cooking and crafts. She also likes photography and was in the photography club during her college years. She is a very good student academically and even in a few sports. She never had any boyfriends though it's been noted that many guys approached her whom she has rejected"
I listened as my assistant Rahul spoke and pondered over this girl. I haven't ever seen her and I don't care about her looks I need to know if she is from a good family as I cannot let her tarnish my reputation and neither can I let her hurt my family. And from the tunes of it, she sounds like a decent girl so maybe I can go through with it. I have no interest in this marriage whatsoever but I know even if I ignore it that my mother is hurting. It pains her to see that her son is just........being here and not living here. But, what she doesn't know is that her son.......he can't be what he was and whichever girl she brings for me cannot change that fact.
But, if she wants me to marry then for her I will, and as per sharing life with that girl I will respect her and provide for her. I don't do love, I don't have the time for it neither a heart but I won't let her suffer or anything.
Advaith Raichand doesn't do emotions and feelings.....he is the devil and people nicknamed me 'Lucifer' which I am. You have to be in charge and never I mean never depend on anything or anyone. It will only pull you down. The guy who used to believe in people and things died that......He is not the same anymore. He is encased in a strong cage and now all that is left is the business tycoon who shakes everyone with fear. And I intend to keep it that way.
If I weigh the pros and cons this seems like a fair deal. And so, that night I took a huge decision in my life, one that I never thought I would or could as I called my Mom and gave her my consent.
Let's see what the future has in store because whatever it is it should cross by me...
Hello lovely people! I hope you all are fine! TRIPLE UPDATE Yayy!!!
Many of you wanted to read Advaith's POV so, this is another small gist of Advaith! I wanted to write a whole chapter but that is due for another time! What are your thoughts on him! Lemme know!
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