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I was done with beer pong, but couldn't find Soohan anywhere. Where was my girlfriend? I was asking multiple people at the party, but no one seemed to know where she was.

I decided to give up and grab myself another drink, but right at that moment Yoongi tapped on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He scratched his neck: "I really don't know how to say this to you." "Just spit it out."

Yoongi sighed: "I saw Soohan going upstairs." "Well, what's the problem with that? Maybe she needed a less crowded place to sober up a bit." "I'm sorry to say it like this Jimin, but it was with a guy."

My eyes widened: "With a guy? Was it her friend Moobin?" Yoongi shook his head. "What did he look like then?" "I don't know, he was pretty tall and had brown hair. I know she's your girlfriend, but I think you might want to check up on her." I nodded and quickly made my way upstairs.

The party was in Soohan's own house, since her parents weren't home. Her house was pretty big, with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms even though it was just her and her parents (and me whenever I slept over).

I walked to her bedroom and quickly opened the door. The view absolutely shocked me.

Soohan was naked, getting dicked down by the dude Yoongi described to me. I don't even think they heard me coming in, as they were still continuing their little activity.

I felt all the anger build up in me and before I knew it, I was now making fists with my hands and stepping towards the spectacle.

I punched the dude in the face and Soohan screamed. "Why the fuck did you do that??" She yelled. As soon as she recognized it was me her face changed. "J-Jimin, this is not what it looks like", she stuttered.

"Oh, so you were totally not getting screwed by that random dude??" I yelled. "Jimin, I-I'm drunk, please I wasn't thinking clearly." She stood up and tried to calm me down, holding me tight. "Fuck you! Out of all people, I trusted you and this is what you do?"

"We can make this right. I-I will never do this again." She put her lips on mine, pecking them over and over. I couldn't kiss her back, but I couldn't pull away either. I was absolutely petrified.

This is the girl I've loved for over a year. We've shared so much memories. How did we get here?

After what felt like an eternity of her kissing me and touching me, hoping her touch would make me forget, I finally found the strength to push her away.

"Fuck you and your new boyfriend! We are OVER!" I yelled and left the room, slamming the door behind me. I was running away like a mad man, leaving the house right away, not even saying goodbye to anyone.

Tears started escaping from my eyes and I fell down with my knees on the floor. With the last remaining strength I had left, I called a cab to take me back home.

In my room, I deleted her on everything. I blocked her, deleted her number and even erased all our pictures. She was dead to me.

Present, Y/n POV

(feel free to play the song moral of the story, you can find it at the top)

It had been days since the event happened and I didn't have contact with anyone. Not even Jimin contacted me to say he was sorry or anything. I guess I had to accept that this was the ending.

I dragged my body to all my classes, barely being able to concentrate. I knew that if I didn't pick myself up, I would probably fail and have to redo my exams. I just couldn't. I felt too sad.

Jimin was my first boyfriend. He took everything including my virginity. How could it end like this? Why did he just not trust me enough?

Dalia kept calling me, but I never picked up the phone. I know she wanted to be a good friend, but I just needed to be alone, left with my sadness.

Another few days passed by when I finally had the energy to talk to Dalia. She took me to the coffee shop on campus.

"Y/n, you can't stay like this crying over that asshole forever." "I know, it just hurts so much." She sighed: "He hurt you." "But I still love him", I mumbled. "Sometimes when you love someone, letting them go is the better option." "I know."

She sat next to me and rubbed my back. "I guess going to a party wouldn't help this time?" I shook my head. "I want to heal first." She nodded her head in agreement: "What do you think would make you heal?" "I don't know, maybe I just need to get out of here for a while."

"How about you visit your mom?" She asked me. "I haven't really thought about it, but it might be nice to see her." Dalia nodded her head: "Well, you know what? I'll treat you to some train tickets. I want you to take a break, visit your mom and come back like a happy woman."

"I can't promise you I'll be happy but I'll try", I chuckled. Dalia hugged me and passed me a 10.000 won bill. "Thanks, I think I'll leave tomorrow. Just stay there for the weekend." "I think that would be good."

After our little chat, I went back to my dorm room to pack my bag. Rachel was in the hallway closing her door. She looked all dolled up.

"Oh, I didn't know you were alive", she chuckled as soon as she saw me. "Whatever you say Rachel. You don't hurt me." "So if I'd say Jimin's going to be at the campus party tonight because I invited him, it wouldn't hurt you?" She said with a smirk on her face.

I had a lump in my throat. "No, it doesn't. We are broken up and I found peace with that", I forced myself to say. "Hmm, more fun for me", she gave me a fake smile and walked away.

I entered my room to see Jimin sitting on his bed. He seemed startled when he saw me and looked at me with a guilty face. "What on earth are you doing here??" I yelled at him. "I- I just came here to grab my cologne which I forgot", he said standing up and showing me the bottle in his hand.

"I can't believe it. I've been trying to forget you for this past week and then you suddenly show up ruining my progress", I whispered as I started crying. "You never let me explain what the actual reason was of me not wanting you at that party!" He said looking down at the floor, a tear escaping his eye as well. For some reason it made me angry.

"I did! But you just said 'I can't tell you!' I gave you enough chances, Jimin, more than enough!" Jimin stepped closer to me and held my arms: "Please give me one more." I shook my head and freed myself from his grip.

"I can't. I'm so tired, Jimin." I turned away and started packing my bag. "Where are you going?" "I'm leaving tomorrow." "Leaving? To where? For how long?" "It's just a few days. And it's to my mom. It's not like you'll miss me, because Rachel seems to have special plans for you tonight."

"Why do you always bring Rachel up? What did she say this time?" He asked coming closer. "She wants to hook up with you at the party tonight." Jimin crouched down next to me and looked at me: "I'm not going. I can't go without you being there."

"Don't think you saying that will get me back", I whispered. "I know, but I want to prove myself, Y/n." "Please just leave me alone for a while. I really need to find back some of my energy and looking at you just hurts me", I said looking him straight in the eyes. He stood up and made his way to the door. "I understand", he whispered and left.

Surprise update! I'm gonna start a new Jimin fanfic soon, called 'My colleague'. I'm writing it already and this one is gonna be for the business smut lovers. I'm gonna try to put more smut in that book than in this one. Stay tuned!

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