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I made myself ready for school, feeling very excited for the party that night. In the corner of my eye I saw Jimin, still in bed. "Is he not going to get up?", I thought to myself. I shrugged it off and left the room. Dalia was standing in front of the door. "Hey, Dalia, what are you doing here?" I asked her confused. "I figured that the more you are alone, the more time you have to think about that douche roommate of yours, so I decided to walk with you", she explained. "Thanks." She smiled and so we started walking to our first aura of the day.

During first class I kept on having this hurtful feeling in my throat. No matter how hard I was fighting it, deep down I was still pretty sad from the events of the day before. I knew Dalia noticed when she rubbed my shoulder in class. "It's going to be okay", she whispered. I just ignored it.

During noon, she took me to the coffee shop on campus. When we entered, I saw the one person I didn't want to see: Rachel. She was smirking, as if she was happy to have destroyed our relationship. "Rachel must be satan's daughter or something", I said, not taking my eyes off her. "I wouldn't be surprised if she was", Dalia giggled.

Rachel started walking towards me and put her hands on my table. "What do you want?" I asked her. "Oh, I guess I just wanted to know how you feel now, knowing that Jimin picked me over you?" I laughed. "Picked you over me? At least I didn't have to run behind him like a puppy to get his attention in the first place, so I still think it's a win for me." She frowned. "Excuse me? You guys are over. And I bet I got to touch him even before you got to", she tried to anger me. "What, so you're proud to be a hoe now?" I calmly answered. "Who are you calling a hoe bitch?!" Rachel asked very aggressively. Her attempts to make me angry started backfiring. "You, now will you excuse me? I have a caramel macchiato to drink which is way more interesting than talking to you." She shrugged. "Fine, but don't get mad if I'm all over Jimin tonight at the party." "Go ahead, he's all yours now", I said, feeling a bit of guilt and sadness building up. Rachel walked away.

After school I went back to the dorm and started studying for the upcoming exams. I had been studying every day already and thought I was doing pretty good for a first year college student.

30 minute in and I was already disturbed by Jimin coming in the room with Taehyung and Namjoon. They both looked at me with a bit of guilt in their eyes. "Look, you guys can chill here if you like, but be quiet. I have to study before I go to a party tonight and I do not wish to be disturbed." Taehyung and Namjoon nodded, while Jimin on the other hand decided to be a jerk: "As you wish, princess." "Shut up, Jimin", I said annoyed. "Maybe you could be a bit more polite to me and my guests?" He asked in an arrogant tone. I stood up and looked him right in the eye. "You really think you deserve my politeness right now?" I asked him. I saw how his eyes were still red from crying. He seemed speechless. "Yeah, I thought so", I said and walked to the bathroom.

I had picked out an outfit to wear for the party tonight and started changing. It was a pretty casual outfit: an off-shoulder croptop, with flared pants and some boots with heels. When I walked out the bathroom, all 3 of them were looking at me. "What?", I asked, "If you won't let me study, might as well make myself ready for the party."

A bit after that, the boys walked out of my room. I, however, continued studying until it was 9pm, the time where me and Dalia were going to the party together. She showed up in a skirt, looking very sexy. "Dalia, you better be careful or no one will be able to keep their eyes off of you", I complimented her. "That's the goal", she winked.

We arrived at the party and there were a lot of people there. I had never been to one of these campus parties before, so I was very excited to see if they were just like the movies or not. When we entered, we already got greeted by a big bowl of some alcoholic drink and me, not knowing a lot of drinks since I barely drink myself, couldn't quite put my finger on what drink it was. I took a sip and immediately fell in love. "Oh yeah, you'll definitely find me here a lot tonight", I giggled. "No, we'll find you on the dance floor, having a guy get drinks for you", Dalia answered. "Fair enough", I shrugged and she led me to the dance floor.

I drank and danced with strangers and drank some more. I had the time of my life and even got Jimin off my mind for a few hours. I was pretty tipsy, so might have been the cause. I saw a guy staring at me while I was dancing and having fun with Dalia and before I knew I pulled him onto the dance floor and started dancing with him. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked him. "Trevor, yours?" "Y/n." "Nice name", he smiled. I smiled back. "Kiss me", I said and before I even finished, he planted his lips on mine. We were making out in the middle of the dance floor. It was pretty hot. I felt like I was doing something I wasn't allowed to do and somehow that turned me on. Then suddenly I heard a glass break and everyone stopped what they were doing. I looked in the direction of the broken glass. It was Jimin, looking at me with a lot of hurt and anger in his eyes. He walked away, probably leaving the party. I felt so guilty.

"What? You know that dude?" Trevor asked, seeing that I was very distracted. "Y-yeah", I answered and ran outside behind Jimin, knowing I made a mistake. Once I was outside, Jimin kissed Rachel right in front of my nose. "What the actual fuck?!" I yelled.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update, but I hope you guys are satisfied with this (slightly) longer chapter than usual. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and hope I get to upload chapter 29 soon!
Thanks for the 100K reads, the support and everything! (Also, please help me reach 300 followers, that would be very nice)

See you guys next update!

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