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"Oh, Y/n. Now that I think about it, we haven't exchanged our phone numbers yet", Jimin spoke up. "Well I guess it's time to do so now then", I answered.

Jimin stood up from bed and walked over to my bed with his phone in his hand. He sat down on the side of my bed and opened up his contacts, clicking on the button to make a new contact. He handed me his phone: "Here, type in your phone number."

I took his phone and tapped on the numbers that I needed. "Here, you can choose with whatever name you want me to be in your contacts", I said. "Okay, so how about annoying roommate?" Jimin asked with a chuckle, showing that he didn't mean it. "Anything except for annoying roommate, or I'm gonna slap you with my slippers." With a chuckle he walked back to my bed and I got a text: "annoying roommate :)". I looked at Jimin. "I guess you really want to be slapped by my slipper", I said.

And I stood up and took my slipper from the ground. I walked over to Jimin who was now standing up and ready to run away.

I ran to him and started smacking his chest and back with my slipper, ofcourse not hard or anything, just enough to make him change my name in his contacts.

While doing that he stumbled backwards towards his bed, making the both of us fall on it on top of each other.

I stopped doing what I was doing when I noticed the position we were in. With a big blush on my face I stood up.

"I-I'm sorry", I stuttered, unable to speak properly as I was so embarrassed. Jimin smirked: "I didn't mind." I was blushing even harder now. "Why don't you have those thought about Rachel then", I said trying to change the topic. "Why should I? Do you think me and Rachel would make a good couple?" "You already know the answer to that question, Jimin." He nodded not saying anything anymore.

I walked to my bed and took my phone to put Jimin in my contacts. 'What should I call him?' 'Just Jimin? No, maybe that's too distant. Jimin with a heart emoji? Hmmm too much? How about: my crush? No, if he ever finds out I'm dead. I seriously have no inspiration, I'm just gonna keep Jimin, he'll probably just have my name anyways too.'

And with that I shut off my phone and went to bed.


I woke up with the smell of shampoo. I guess Jimin's showering. I suddenly heard the sound of an incoming text. I checked my phone. 'Nope, not me.' Then I looked around and saw Jimin's phone on the ground. 'He must've accidentally dropped it.'

I crawled out of bed picking Jimin's phone up, seeing the text message he received. "Can you come to my room?", a message sent by Rachel.
'Ofcourse he has Rachel's phone number. At least her name isn't in his contacts with a heart or anything.' I sighed and at the same time Jimin came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him and nothing more. 'Oh damn.'

He frowned. "What are you doing with my phone?" "It fell on the ground so I wanted to pick it up", I answered. "By looking at my text messages?" His eyes fell on the screen of his phone. "I just saw it by accident", I defended, "Rachel asked if you could come to her room." Jimin grabbed his phone out of my hands.

"I don't want to hang out with her today, I want to hang out with my friends." "And Rachel isn't your friend then I suppose? Are you dating her?" I asked. Jimin shook his head with a chuckle. "Y/n, sometimes I get the feeling that you're jealous. You always ask about Rachel and me and even look through my texts." "I'm not jealous!" I tried to defend, even if I wasn't even sure anymore myself I was telling the truth.

Jimin smirked and came closer. Putting his forehead to my forehead. "Are you sure about that? 'Cause all your actions say the opposite." "That's just because I hate Rachel, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm jealous." "Uhu", Jimin reacted. I could hear the sarcastic tone in his voice. He was right though, I was jealous.

Jimin grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

I wish I had the courage to tell him how I feel


Thank you for reading this update! As I said in the end of Apocalyptic Love: I'm gonna update this book more often now!
I hope you all enjoy!

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