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French class is going to be hell. I counted every single minute before the bell rang so that I could finally get away from Rachel and end this day with my second last class: Math.

For some reason I hope I'll be in the same class as Jimin for math. As long as it's not with Rachel I'm fine.

Once arrived at the math classroom I saw Jimin. 'Yes!' Next to him was another boy, I recognised him from the lunch today. Jimin sat with him and 5 other boys at the same table. He either knew them already or makes friends really quickly.

Jimin saw me standing at the door and waved at me to come over. I walked over to him with a smile. "Hye", the boy next to him said, "I'm Taehyung." he continued with a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." And we shook hands.

"Where's the teacher?" I asked when I looked around in the classroom and saw no one who could possibly be a teacher. "Oh, he forgot his paper where all our assigned seats were on, so he went to get it and told us we could go inside the classroom already." Jimin answered. "And is the teacher nice?" "I think he's alright."

The teacher came into the classroom. "Good afternoon class, welcome to your penultimate (second last) hour today! I'll give everyone their seats and we can get to know each other for now, like you did in all the other classes. So on the first row we have: Areum, Janice, Jimin and Y/n."

First row, seriously? I hate being on the first row and definitely in a class this big, but.... I'm next to Jimin so that makes it better.

After a long hour of talking like we did in all classes today, it was time to go to my last class. I had Biology now.

In Biology the same process got repeated again: we got our seats and got to know each other. "Hello", the person who sat next to me said. "Hye", I greeted him with a smile. It was one of the other five people who sat at the same table as Jimin. "I'm Jungkook, you must be Y/n, right?" I nodded. "Yes, how do you know that?" "Jimin told us about you." "What did he say?" I curiously asked Jungkook. "He told us that you're his roommate. I thought a boy and a girl together in a room weren't allowed." "I thought so too, but apparently it is."

Or isn't it? I have absolutely still no idea why I'm in the same room as a boy.

"Isn't it awkward though?" Jungkook asked me with a face that made it look as if we had the most interesting conversation ever. "No, we have made up some rules and we just follow them and keep the peace in our room." I let out a chuckle. "Well, good luck." He said. "Thanks", I smiled.

The bell rang which finally announced the end of this long day. I walked in the hallway to my locker. Suddenly 2 hands covered my eyes. "Guess who it is!" I heard a man voice say. "Is it Jimin?" I guessed. He took his hands of my eyes and turned me around so I could face him. "Yes, and guess what we're gonna do." He said with a smirk. "We're going to eat and I'm paying because I broke the rule of not waking you up?" I guessed again.



Hye guys! Thank you for reading this update! This update is a bit longer, so I hope you enjoy it!

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