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(feel free to listen to the song while reading this chapter)

As I was walking away I suddenly felt an arm stop me. I was crying at this point and tried to release myself from Jimin's grip. "What are you trying Jimin??" I asked with tears streaming down my face. "Y/n, please just let me explain." "I don't fucking need to hear it, Jimin. She was on top of you, obviously there is something going on and you were too much of a coward to tell me I wasn't the only one", I said, my voice breaking. "No, honey, you don't understand." "Don't fucking call me honey." Jimin tried to come closer and I just took a step back. "I really don't want to hear it, have fun with Rachel", I said before turning away and continuing my way to Dalia. "Y/n, please wait-" "Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled. It seemed to have scared Jimin as he was now just standing there, tears rolling down his cheeks. I ran away to Dalia's room.

Jimin POV
"Leave me the fuck alone!" She yelled and my heart sank. Was I really going to lose her over this? I saw her run away and I wanted to go after her again, but realised that she didn't want to talk to me. I went back to my room and found Rachel with a big grin on her face. "See Jimin, she was not-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled at her as I slammed my hand against the wall. "This is all your fault, Rachel! You ruined everything! I want you out!" "But Ji-" "Just GO AWAY!" She was very shook. "You're scaring me", she mumbled. "Good, now go!" I opened the door for her and she walked out of the room with her head down. How was I ever going to make this right?

I knocked on Dalia's door. She opened it and was really shocked, seeing me full of tears. "Y/n, omg, what happened?" She asked as she gave me a big hug and let me in. "It's Jimin and Rachel, I-i came back into my room and they were on top o-of each other", I tried to explain as I was crying heavily. "Omg Y/n, that's terrible..." Dalia said with a sad tone. She let me sit on her bed. "Let's just stay inside and watch a funny movie together to lighten your mood, is that okay?" She proposed. I nodded and started crying again. "I thought he loved me", I whispered. "It's okay Y/n, you deserve better, and you'll find someone better." "I have to go back to my room tonight." Dalia nodded: "I'm sorry that I can't help you with that. Just try to avoid him or maybe talk to him." "I don't know if I can face him." "If you can't, call me and I'll keep you busy until he's asleep." I nodded. "Thank you, Dalia." She smiled. "I'm here for you."

And so we watched a movie together. I'm glad she was there for me to lighten my mood a bit. After the movie, I knew it was time to go to my room again. My heart was racing. What would happen if he saw me? I was too scared to find out, but I knew I had to.

Jimin POV
Jungkook visited me in my room. I had been crying the entire time. "Jungkook, what should I do?" "Try to talk to her, Jimin." "But she doesn't want to listen." "Eventually she'll have to, she's your roommate, just let her calm down a bit. And stay away from Rachel as far as you can." I nodded. "You're right, I just need to let her calm down a bit, maybe she'll listen then." Suddenly, I heard the door open. "Shit, it's Y/n", I said. Jungkook rubbed my back: "It'll be okay, just stay calm." The door opened and I saw Y/n's bloodshot eyes. She looked so broken and I already felt the tears coming up again.

As I opened the door, I saw Jimin's face full
of tears. He was hurt and so was I, but I couldn't talk to him. I felt like I couldn't speak anymore. Jungkook was with him and he seemed a bit speechless as well. "I think it's better if I leave", he said and he patted my shoulder on his way out. Me and Jimin were left alone in the room. I silently made my way over to my bed. "Y/n", he softly said. "I don't know if I can talk, Jimin." He nodded. "I'm sorry, I'll give you some space then", he said, his voice broken. "Thanks", I said and turned away to put on my pyjamas. It was very awkward. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but had to remind myself how much he hurt me. "Just know, that what happened today, is really not what you think", he said. "Let's not do this right now", I replied. "Okay." We both didn't say a word for the rest of the evening and I went to sleep really early.

The next morning, Dalia called me. "Girllll, I know the perfect way for you to get over Jimin." "What is it?" I asked her. "There's a party tonight really close to campus and practically everyone is gonna be there, there's going to be super hot boys and I bet you can hook up with someone tonight." At first, I wanted to say no, but then I looked at Jimin and had the image of him and Rachel in my head again. "You know what? Why not? Maybe I can even get laid tonight." "That's my girl. Meet me at my dorm at 9 tonight", she said. "Deal."

Jimin POV
I heard Y/n talk on the phone. She was talking about a party or something? I know that there's a party right outside of campus. Is she going there? Maybe I better do as well, I don't want her to do anything stupid. I called Taehyung and Namjoon. "We're gonna party tonight boys."


Hey guys! I'm back with another update! I really enjoy writing again lately so please keep up the support! I'm honestly really excited to write what's to come in the story, there might be a bit of mature content, I'll give you that warning before hand. Stay tuned!

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