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So the game started and Hoseok was the first one who started asking questions.
"Truth or dare?" He asked Namjoon who was sitting right next to him.
"Truth", Namjoon replied in a calm tone and Hoseok started thinking about a question.
"When's the last time you've kissed a girl?" He asked.
"2 days ago", Namjoon replied. "Really? Where?" Hoseok wanted to know more. Namjoon shook his head: "One question at a time." "Fine then, who's next?"

And the game went on.

There were a lot of funny dares (or maybe rather gross) like seeing Yoongi drink water with egg white in it. Or maybe watching Rachel lick Jin's toe (she was blindfolded and didn't know). But there were also some juicy questions like 'How many people have you slept with?' or 'Who would you like to have a shower with?'

Happily I got spared from all the weird ones and now it was Jimin's turn.
Jungkook asked Jimin: "Truth or dare?"
"Dare", Jimin answered, he seemed pretty confident. Jungkook looked around and looked at me for a second, then back at Jimin.

"I dare you to kiss the most beautiful person in this room... on the lips", he said with a smirk. Rachel suddenly sat up straight, smelling her breath, probably thinking that Jimin was gonna kiss her.
Jimin gulped, I could see a small bit of fear in his eyes. "Under one condition", he said. "What may that condition be?" Jungkook asked. "Everyone has to close their eyes." Jungkook nodded. "Fine then."

Everyone closed their eyes and now we were just all waiting. After 5 seconds of absolute silence, I slightly opened my eyes and saw that Jimin was pretty close to Rachel. Was he gonna kiss HER? I quickly closed my eyes again, feeling pretty sad that Jimin had eventually chosen for Rachel and not for me, but what could I do? If he loves her, he loves her.

All of us were still sitting with our eyes closed. "How freaking long does it take to kiss Rachel?" I wondered, but soon got pulled out of that thought when I felt a pair of plump, soft lips on mine. I pulled back in shock and widened my eyes when I saw Jimin in front of me.

Jimin seemed to be a bit in shock too as I had pulled away. "I'm sorry", he whispered and looked a bit down. 'Oh no, I can't let him think that I pulled away because I don't like him. I need to do something.' I smiled and hugged him. Jimin noticed my smile and leaned in again to kiss me. This time, I did the same and we were kissing slowly. Our lips moving in sync as we both were enjoying the feeling.

After a bit he pulled away and went to sit back on his spot. "I finished my dare", he said. Jungkook looked at me immediately and winked. I started blushing. "You're a liar", Rachel said and Jimin looked at her confused. "You didn't kiss anybody, I didn't feel anything." "It's not because he didn't kiss you that he didn't kiss anyone else", I replied to her. "Who else could he possibly have kissed? You? Look at yourself girl!" Rachel snapped at me.

"What if I DID kiss Y/n though?" Jimin suddenly came between me and Rachel. Rachel looked shocked. "Why would you do that?" Rachel asked. "Because she's a beautiful, gentle, kind and amazing person. And I love her", Jimin said. I looked at Jimin, speechless. Did he just confess? "And what about me? Are you gonna throw me away like that?" Rachel asked with a lot of anger in her voice. "We never were a thing Rachel, get over it", Jimin answered. Rachel gasped and stood up. "Fine then, I'm out of here!" And she left our room. "Finally, she's gone", Taehyung sighed.

The game continued again, but not for a long time anymore. All of us were getting pretty exhausted as it was getting pretty late, so we decided to call it a night. The boys left our room and me and Jimin were alone again.

"Were all the things that you said about me true?" I asked him. Jimin smiled and nodded. "They certainly were." I blushed. "I love you too, Jimin." Jimin hugged me and leaned in to give me a kiss on my lips.



After 23 chapters, we finally got the first Jimin x Y/n kiss! I hope you liked this chapter guys!!!

And thank you all for being patient with me as I write my chapters! Also thank you so much for all the sweet comments! You guys are amazing 💜

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