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"Let's go then." I said. "Wait, I still need to get my money from my room!" Jimin sighed "Okay, but we need to hurry. I'm starving." He said. "Not my problem."

We walked upstairs to the floor where our room was on and walked to room 404. When we arrived there I heard the most annoying voice ever.

"Hey Jimin!" The voice yelled. 'That Rachel is seriously on every place you don't want her to be.' Jimin turned around to face her. "Hey Rachel, what's up?" "I was wondering if you have time to hang out later?" She asked Jimin. "I guess." He said. 'Are you kidding me? He said yes to her???' I sighed and unlocked the door of our room to get my wallet, once I found it I grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him with me. "Hey, we werent don-" "Bye Rachel!" I cut her talking.

We were walking to the nearest school restaurant on campus. "So, what's up with you and Rachel?" Jimin asked me. "I could ask you the same thing Jimin." I crossed my arms. "I asked first." "Fine, I hate Rachel." "Why?" Jimin asked me. "She just randomly came to me during lunch saying that I shouldn't take you away from her." At that Jimin chuckled. "Take me away from her? Hah, like I'll ever be your boyfriend." For some reason it hurt me a bit. "Well, would you ever be with Rachel?" I asked him. "I don't know", he simply answered. 'So I get a no and she gets a maybe? Just wow.'

The rest of our walk to the restaurant was quiet, we didn't say a thing to each other.

When we arrived at the restaurant Jimin opened the door for me. "What a gentleman", I smiled at him. He gave a shy smile back.

The restaurant was not that big, but we only needed food so I couldn't care less. Jimin pointed at a table for 2 people. I nodded and we went to sit there.

After a bit a waitress came to us to take our orders. "What would you like to eat?" "For me the small portion of fries and cheeseburger please", Jimin said. "Give me the same please", I said. The waitress smiled and went away.

When she came with our food me and Jimin both started eating directly. That's how hungry we were.

"So do you like the food?" I asked Jimin. "Yes, it's really delicious and definitely since you paid for it", he innocently smiled. 'Wow, this boy.' "Yeah sure", I sighed. "Oh, Y/n. You have some ketchup on your cheek." "Where?" 'Typical, this is the first time I'm eating with a handsome boy and this happens.' He pointed to where the ketchup was. "Thanks for telling me." "No problem, we're roommates for something."

During dinner we talked a lot during dinner, about ourselves, the school year, sometimes about Rachel but let's leave that aside and about a lot more! I got to know him better and liked him even more. Maybe I do want to steal him from Rachel.

After dinner I paid for all the food and we went back to our dorm. Back to

room 404.


Thank you for reading this update! Sorry for not updating for so long, I just didn't have the inspiration for it, but here is finally a new chapter!

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