Meeting! :3

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Asuna's cousin had let her stay at her home for a bit while she was waiting for Kirika to find a new place for them to stay.

But she was alone in a quiet house now, since her cousin had decided to leave and go swimming with some rich friends.

She wandered downstairs, holding onto the banister of the staircase on the way, and started to look around. "Is anyone here at the moment?"

A new voice called back. "I am!"

"Oh!" She peered around the staircase to look into the next room.

A boy around her height was sitting on the sofa, stretched out comfily with a book in his hand. He looked up at her and smiled a pleasant expression. "Hello!"

"Hello," she greeted in turn, tilting her head. "I apologize, but I am not quite certain who you happen to be."

The boy smiled. "That's okay. I'm Kiro, Renge's younger brother."

Another cousin? It was surprising that she hadn't heard of him. 

"Then we are cousins! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" She rushed over to him in excitement. "I am Asuna, from the Hoshika side of the family!"

"Ohhh, Asuna!!!" Kiro put the book down, his eyes widening more than they already were. "It's great to meet you finally! I should've recognized you, but we've only met once before, when we were really small! Actually, I think you were taller than me back then-" he tipped his head to the side, thinking. "But it's great to see you!!!"

She blushed a little, surprised he was so enthusiastic about meeting her. "Oh, what book have you been reading?"

He picked the book back up to show her. "It's about unsolved mysteries! I'm not usually much of a reader, but the unsolved always intrigues me. Do you like reading?"

She nodded, smiling. "I love to read. Although I usually prefer to read fantasy sorts of books and poetry."

"Oh, that's cool! Father used to read me poetry when I was younger so I'd go to sleep, but he's really busy nowadays. What kind of other things do you like? Do you like sports?"

"Hmhm... I do not play many sports." She opted not to explain why. "Although I do play table tennis!"

"Ohhh, ping pong's fun!! We should play it together sometime!"

Tsuna beamed at her cousin. "Yes, that sounds delightful!"

"Really?" Kiro's eyes went wide again. 

"Yes, really!"

He hugged her. "You're my favorite cousin, I want you to stay here forever!!"

"Kiro..." she hugged him back. "When Kiri finds us a place to stay, I will continue to come back to visit you, alright?" She smiled. "And I would not mind if you visited me in return!"

The hug tightened and he didn't reply, but she understood what he meant.

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