Green Man?

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The darkness gave way to light and Tsuki jolted up in her bed, her chest heaving. 

Where was Dream?! What had just happened!? 

She raised her hand to touch her head, where she'd been hurt, calming when it merely had dried blood on it from her first encounter with him.

She wasn't hurt. Not again.

It wasn't real.

The more time that had gone by, though, the more she questioned it.

Sometimes after dreams like this, she'd wake up with a few bruises on her face.

Sometimes, if she looked in the mirror hard enough, they looked like fingerprints.

But she'd never found any other wounds, so surely it was only a dream.

Until she encountered him again, he would only haunt her in her dreams.


Whenever she closed her eyes, though, she could see his bright, empty green eyes piercing into her, and she heard his voice.

"I'm not done with you yet."

So she would try to stay awake.

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