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"Oh!" She rose from the ground, looking around. The earth beneath her seemed to spin and the stars in the sky swirled around, dancing until she gained her footing. "What a beautiful night."

"It is, isn't it?" Someone stood up; She guessed they'd been sitting together just before but didn't remember quite right. It was A.

"Yeah," She smiled. "Especially with you."

A punched her shoulder lightly, grinning. "Idiot."

"No you."

"No you!"

"No you, no you, no you!" She started giggling.

A stopped, looking serious all of a sudden. "Hey, [__]?"

She dropped her smile, tilting her head to the side. "What? What's wrong?"

"There's something I want to tell you, [__]..."

"What is it, A?"

"Well... I'm dead."

She stared at A for a moment before laughing again. "You've used that bit before, A."

"[__], I'm serious!"

Stopping, She looked at A. "Really?"


"...well, then you're still here, though, right?"

A shook his head. "Not for long, sorry. I just came to spend my last moments with you."

She didn't respond.

"[__], I-"

"I'll see you again soon, though. Right?" She looked up into his eyes, no longer seeing the same A she'd seen in them before, but the moonlight glimmering. 

"Yeah," he nodded, taking one of her hands in his. "We'll see each other again soon."

"A... I'm gonna miss you."

A nudged her shoulder with his, grinning. "Oi, don't go soft on me now. It's weird. We'll see each other soon, idiot."

He was gone soon after.

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