Friend & Foe 3

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Haniel and I spent 30 minutes coming up with a plan. We still weren't sure what the letter meant but knew that we had to trust Rye to figure it out. With a salt shaker in my hand, determination in my stride, and a piece of man candy by my side, I leave the study and head to the kitchen.

I see Rye swaying her hips to the music from the radio and humming the lyrics. My heart rate speeds up until Haniel presses his hand on my shoulder and nudges me forward. Rye turns around at us "oh lord I didn't notice y'all over the music" she lowers the sound "this song just razzes my berries" she chuckles.

I hide the shaker behind my back "It's okay" I point to Haniel and I " we were just wondering about lunch." I look at Haniel and he just nods. A for effort I guess.

"I'm just whipping up some stew" she stirs the pot.

I take a step closer to her "can I taste it?"

"Of course you can hun" she raises the ladle and brings it to my lips after blowing on it. I taste it then look back at her "it's good but it's missing something." I look back at Haniel "come try it."

He picks up the ladle and tries the stew "you're right it needs something." Rye furrows her brows "I followed my granny's old recipe but if it's missing something I'll add it right away."
I pretend to think then snap my fingers. " I know what it needs." They both look at me expectedly.

"Well don't hold back dear" Rye looks at me with interest.

"Salt" I tell her.

Rye looks back at the pot "Are you sure? 'Cause I don't wanna make it too salty for y'all."

"No she's right" Haniel shakes his head "you wouldn't want to disagree with the house leader, would you?" he raises an eyebrow. Oh he was good.

"Of course not!" she gasps "I'll add it right away. Just let me grab some salt"

I shake my head "No need. I have some right here." I show her the shaker, and I don't miss the shocked expression she quickly masks. "Oh" she nods slowly. "I understand." But we don't. Haniel and I decided to try and gather as much information from Rye as possible.

"Well whose bowl should I add it to?" she questions me. I look at Haniel trying to hide my confusion. The letter said to trust an enemy not a friend. Dear God I hope I get this one right.
I take a deep breath "Dani's."

Rye nods "sounds right." What did that even mean? What if I just put Dani in danger after spending all this time trying to protect her and everyone else. My hands start shaking so I hide them behind my back before Rye notices. A firm hand grabs mine and draws three circles with his thumb. I hated people seeing me weak but I couldn't be more thankful for him right now.

"We'll be back when lunch is ready" he tells Rye who goes back to cooking and singing. Haniel leads me out the kitchen to the study. He grabs my shoulder and shakes me "look at me."
I take a deep breath and meet his gaze. "You did the right thing. Dani's your closest friend and even though it's a fucked up game they're playing, we need to play along till we figure out a way to beat them." he says in a serious tone. I've never seen him like this.

"You should try out for the military. You'd be a good drill sergeant ." I smirk at him once I've calmed down.

He lets go of my shoulders "I don't think I'd be able to wake up that early every morning."

"Yeah they'd probably kick you out two days in."

He laughs lightly and I see those dimples again. Focus Lilith.

"Let's go upstairs" I take the letter from the desk and place it in my pocket. He gives me a confused look. "I need to lie down and I'm pretty sure you haven't changed your bandages in a while."

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