Our Last Chapter

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Lilith's POV

"They're planning it on the day of the debut."

Trey nods. "Alissa's right. It was hard to get those asswipes to talk about it, but it's definitely happening."

We're all in my living room discussing the rebellion's plan. The more we talk about it, the more dangerous and real it feels. Someone's out to get my life. Haniel must notice my paranoia because he draws three circles on my back.

Tony rests his elbows on his knees. "Well what is their plan exactly?"

Noah jumps in. I don't know what it is but he seems different. As if he found a new purpose. "The details are still a little fuzzy. What we know for certain is that it's an attempted assassination."

"How are we going to stop it?" I ask.

"Well we don't know all the members of the rebellion, so if we report the ones we do know, the rest may carry through with the plan or do something rash." Trey explains. I don't really know him, but he's quite the analytical thinker.

"If we could only find out who the assassin is going to be," Noah sighs.

An idea pops in my head. "Why not pick him ourselves?"


Like any old-fashioned American family, we all gather around a conference table and discuss our debut. Dante shows us the plans with a hologram layout of the ballroom. "Lilith, you will walk in after Tony." He zooms in on the double doors.

I point to the two figures standing on both sides of the door. "Are those guards?"

Dante nods before returning to his explanation. I interject again. "Has the guard list been issued?"

He gives me a speculative look. "No, why?"

"I think it'll be good practice for me to be in charge of it." I tell him.

He seems reluctant until Elizabeth speaks. "I think that's a great idea." She smiles enthusiastically, and her husband relents. As much as I hate to admit it, I admire the love they share. He supports all her decisions, and she provides him with every resource for him to flourish. Immediately, Haniel comes to mind, along with a realization I've failed to see until this moment. I push it down. Now is not the time.

"I'll provide you with every guard's portfolio and information, along with the number of guards required at the debut." Dante tells me. I suffice with a nod. The ball is in my court, and I'm going to send it back in flames.


"Beck has been moping ever since we came back to base, but his shooting skills aren't the best, so they're definitely not going to pick him." Haniel surveys the guards' portfolios.

"Who's the best shooter?" I ask.

He smirks cockily. "Me."

I roll my eyes with a smile. I turn to Alissa for a more accurate answer. "He's right," she deadpans. "But it can't be you for obvious reasons." She glances at the both of us. Of course, the rebellion wouldn't choose Haniel as the assassin. One, he wasn't part of the rebellion. Two, no one would believe that he could be part of the rebellion and against little ol' me.

"You." I point to Alissa. "I can't believe I didn't think of it before. You're the perfect assassin."

A smile tugs on her lips. "It would be an honor to shoot you."

Tony intervenes. "Isn't it a little dangerous?" I understand his concern, but now isn't really the time.

"I think what's dangerous is the possibility of us actually getting shot." I tell him. He slumps in his seat and crosses his arms. I'll talk to him later. Returning my attention to the list of guards. "Now all we have to figure out who to assign where."

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