two ও

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yona clutched her phone in her hand as she waited down at her apartment lobby for jin to arrive.

it was a saturday and she was heading over to jin's place to meet his friend and paint. she had brought some of her own supplies in her bag.

the sun shined bright causing her to squint her eyes softly.

'god i haven't been out in so long.' she thought to herself.

she pinched the sleeves of the black hood she was wearing and look down at her unfavourite pair of navy jeans.

she didn't wear anything to the top considering the paint might go everywhere.

she did doubt that would happen though, she wasn't painting with a toddler.

a familiar black car pulls up in front of her and the window slowly rolls down.

"hey hey get in!" jin says excitingly and she skips her way to the passenger door.

she opened it swiftly and put her bag on her lap sitting comfortable.

"you excited?" he says waiting for yona to buckle up before driving.

"born ready." she exaggerates and he gives her the side eye.

"you don't sound it." jin says and starts to drive forward once yona was all set.

"i just haven't talked to people in a while." she says playing with the bag in her lap.

"why'd you agree then?" he says keeping his eyes on the road.

"i have to get through it somehow, plus i wanted to see my friend." she replies looking over at him and he smirks.

they stop at a red light and jin took that chance to look over at yona.

"well, you're not just gonna see my friend." he says and yona squints her brows at him confused.

"who am i going to see then?"

"my friends."

yona trailed behind jin quickly as he walked to the front door of his house unbothered.

"jin wait! what do you mean friends? you didn't tell me." yona says tugging on his arm but he kept walking.

"there's six more of them." he stops walking as they were now in front of the door

"six?" she whisper yelled.

"six." he says with a nod, taking out the keys in his pocket. before putting it in the lock, yona grabbed his hand.

"jin i swear if anything happens, you better be wishing you slept with an eye open." she says giving him a deadly stare.

he chuckles before shooing her hand off.

"trust me yona." he smiles turning the lock and opening the door.

he walks in with yona still trailing from behind and she hesitantly takes off her shoes looking around.

"wear these." he says putting a pair of cute slides in front of her. she nods putting them on then following him into the kitchen.

there sat a man on the island counter with a book in his hand, his glasses rested on the bridge of his nose half way.

jin coughed slightly grabbing the mans attention and he looks up pushing up his glasses with his middle fingers.

"back already?" he says to jin quickly glancing over at yona.

"she doesn't live far." jin replies going over to the fridge. he grabs yona a water and hands it to her and she smiles taking it in her hands.

"hello, it's nice to finally meet you. i'm namjoon." he says getting up.

she stared at him with her mouth almost widely open as he stood up. the man was gigantic. her mouth instantly shut tight once she realized he had his hand out for her to shake.

"nice to meet you too, i'm yona." she shook his hand with both hands quickly catching him off guard.

he smiles at her and yona notices his dimples causing her to smile back.

"she's here already?" another man walks in with a slightly higher pitch in his voice.

yona turned her head to get a better look.

he was almost her height but a little taller.

"hi, i'm yona." she says and his eyes goes wide not expecting her to say a word.

"oh- uh hi i'm jimin." he smiles weakly before heading back to where he was. she watched him as he leaved her sight.

"he didn't expect you to be here already, i guess he was going to leave with some of the others so it wasn't overwhelming for you." namjoon says as yona turned around to look back at him.

"oh, that's nice of him." she states and namjoon nods agreeing focusing his attention back on the book in front of him.

"where's the others?" jin asks resting his elbows on the counter. yona stood there awkwardly.

"probably in the living room." namjoon says and jin nods nudging yona to follow him.

she set her water down and followed him out the kitchen.

while walking behind him she took her time to admire everything in the house. it was pretty big and fancy, and surprisingly clean for 7 boys to be living here.

she never knew jin was this wealthy. or maybe this was normal and she was living much more worse.

they walked into a brighter room as the light from the windows shined through her eyes.

"guys." jin says.

she popped out from behind jin and soft gasps were heard.

"god you scared me." another man says who was sitting on the couch.

she laughs hesitantly before apologizing.

"the one you scared is hoseok, he's a bit of a coward." jin says and hoseok instantly gives him a glare.

"says the other biggest coward." hoseok whispers underneath his breath but yona couldn't help but hear it. she held in her laugh.

"hi! i'm jungkook!" a soft boy comes up towards her smiling catching her off guard.

she smiled admiring his doe eyes before shaking his hand.

"hi, i'm yona." she greeted herself for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"he's the one who you came for." jin begins talking and she looks over at him raising a brow. yona widened her eyes before looking back at jungkook.

"yup." jungkook says standing their awkwardly.

"oh, i brought some of my brushes if you don't mind." she said pointing to the backpack on her back.

he glances over at the bag before looking back into her eyes.

"oh that's okay." he smiles again.

"do you guys want to eat or something before starting?" jin asks the two of them.

jungkook and yona both looked at each other waiting for one of them to answer first.

"yeah let's eat!" hoseok jumps up from his seat walking past the three straight to the kitchen.

"i guess we'll eat first." she says looking over at jungkook and he nods agreeing.

"okay let's go back to the kitchen yonyon."

"jungkook, you can wake up yoongi." jin says before walking away, yona still following behind.

"why do i have to?!" he slightly yells clearly not liking the idea. jin chuckled not replying and walked away with yona, leaving jungkook to face his fears.

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