six ও

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"so you're evicted?" jimin asked yona who stood beside him.

she nodded.

yona sat in the middle of taehyung and jimin in the back of the car, while namjoon sat in the passenger seat up front with yoongi who had been waiting in the drivers seat.

yona had told them all about what happened about the eviction since they had easily seen right through her lies. it was pretty intimidating and hard for her to lie in a squished car with four handsome men.

"where were you even going to go?" jimin continues, yona sat there again in silence playing with her delicate fingers that laid in her lap.

"okay jimin enough." yoongi sighs looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"sorry it's just... why don't you stay with us for a while?" jimin smoothly says without hesitation causing all heads to turn and look straight at him. he looks at the everyone with a 'what?' look.

"i can't possibly do that." yona notices the tension now giggling awkwardly.

"well if jin finds out, he's going to force you to stay at the place with us rather then on the streets." yoongi states knowing exactly how jin would react.

"well then, he won't find out." yona strongly replies, now making eye contact with yoongi through the rearview mirror.

"yes he will." jimin takes out his phone smiling. he taps on what seemed to be jins contact number causing yona's eyes to agape wide.

she tries to stop him but he doesn't budge. her eyes immediately avert to taehyung's eager for help.

taehyung stares at yona's pleading eyes for a while before reaching over to jimin.

he slightly hovers and leans against yona and she gulps. he moves back once he successfully grabbed jimin's phone.

"give it back." jimin sent a death glare to taehyung.

taehyung instantly hangs up the call and gives the phone back to the defeated looking jimin.

"don't tell him." taehyung states clearly, yona sighs in relief.

"cause we will go tell him in person." he finishes sitting up more straight. yona's eyes goes wide and her panic starts again. she looks over at taehyung feeling betrayed, even more when she saw the sly smirk plastered across his face. the car starts just in time and exits the parking lot.

"i got this." jimin took the bag off yona's lap and carelessly threw it into the back. yona sat there helplessly as he reached over to buckle her in like a kid.

"this is kidnapping." she says emotionless.

namjoon chuckles at her comment, taehyung looking over at yona causing her to look back. he raised his brow.

"you must feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now." he says and she bites the inside of her cheek, looking to the front again ignoring his words.

i mean, it was quite exciting.

"i'm not going into that house." yona points at the front door looking over at jimin who was practically begging her with his eyes to stop fighting out of it.

he held onto her arms so she didn't try reaching for her bag to run away, since earlier she had tried doing that when they got out the car. luckily, namjoon had stopped her from fleeing the first time.

"then we'll call jin out." yoongi nonchalantly says and she instantly stops fighting.

he opens the door and they all walk in, jimin now carefully letting go of yona.

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